Why we always talk about our WIN?

in #bdcommunity3 years ago (edited)

Lets talk about some Losses

Today, I like to do something different, I will switch the general style of Splinterlands related battle/strategy post. 99% of the time we write to make video of a set up that helps us win. This is funny, because most of times, my season average win rate is 55-57%. In other words, very near 50%, half of the battles I actually lose! Here is the things, most pro-players will tell you, when they learned, they learned more from their losses than from their wins. While that is being true, few like to write about it. Writing posts is not the trait of a good gamer, so there's that! But since, I am neither a pro-gamer, not 'good'; I have no problem or shame in discussing my losses!


A classic set up in Earth

OK! 20 Mana battle, with fogs of war. Here was my thought process:

  • Maylor is safe if I can keep the front tank alive longer, self-heal the monk
  • Opportunity and scavange is key in the fogs of war rule, the vulture and Dr Blight
  • Blight is never alone so the Queen
  • Now I am out of Mana, so only 2 left, and I was deciding between the failed summoner and the acid shooter
  • I ended up chosing the acid shooter, as scattershot can negate the fog of war rule and hit the back line and in thorn proof


Battle Link

There was nothing really wrong with the thought process above. But my opponent thoughts were more optimized than mine. All of them different cards; Epona, Failed Summoner and Tower Griffin, all played vital role. Tower Griffin did the shield, Epona repaired them and the Failed Sumonner reflected and reduced the melee from the Screeching Vulture! @supermetroboi, which seems like a bot account, had the perfectly optimized strategy! I am beat. But at Fogs of war, at 20 mana, now I know what to play!!


Shield Game!

I haven't played the new Chaos Water Summoner Keyla Frendul much. However, the rule was lost magic and I was trying to finish my water quest so I felt boxed in. Bad idea. Never try to force finish the quest, because this leads to certain loss in most cases. I have a good try with the double sneak, but with Mylor, I didn't really have an answer for the Flesh Golem!


Battle Link

Oh, by the way, my opponent, this account @joyish is also likely a bot. Yeah, I hate to lose to bots, but that's life!



Playing in tournaments is the most brutal training ground from my experience, in that setting every win matters at lot.

Yes, and I suck at tournaments

In most card games, 55%+ win rate is considered really good. Pro level, even.

There are people here who consistently keep it near 70%. Yeah it’s insane, but they are north of 20 at the top level if I have to guess. Also lately, after the launch of CL, I am performing slightly below my personal average. There are so many new good players and new bots :)

Ah the never ending plague of bots.

Kaonashi kawaii カオナシ~~~~~🤩🤩
🥦 !BBH 🥦


I love カオナシ(顔なし) The character is one of the best characters Mr. Miyazaki created 🤩

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

It never feels good to dwell on your losses. But you're right, we should learn from them. Given that I often write about that single Splinterlands battle of the day that went particularly well or underlined an idea, and ALWAYS ended in victory, I am going to take you up on your challenge and try to make some articles where I am the sore loser. Heaven knows, it happens often enough :-)

Yes, result of the outcome of a game shouldn't matter. It always learn from my losses

There are too many losses to choose from!

That first round with the double shields is a good play, as tower griffin adds in the ranged attack as well, so it is rarer that there will be reflect on all three. Epona has become a key card of late :) It is also useful in the poison sets to protect a tank with heal and a shield.

I hate bots! :)

Golly, sometimes things look far simpler playing in Silver!
Those card levels on both sides of the battle are super!

It does often happen, doesn't it, that we lose a battle and we immediately head to market to find out what just smashed us. I've found a few gems in my normal line-ups like this. Probably Chain Golem was one of them; bots were throwing this card at me every battle and I kept losing. I quickly borrowed that strategy.

Have a fab weekend;
ign: lordtimoty

Yes, I still pick up cards that way. But now I have all of them so for me it's the sequence

Hello @azircon,
It's fun that we got the same idea! I completely agree with you that one of the best ways of improving in Splinterlands is learning from our opponents. I actually wrote about one of my losses yesterday as well:

That is actually a decent post!

Personally, I would write about both my wins and my losses, especially in my brawl reports. It's how I analyze where I went right or went wrong so I can improve my game a step further! When I look at my earlier brawl reports, it was a lot of losses but I would always dissect where I could've improved and now I'm slowly getting better! If someone reads those brawl reports, they'd understand that the objective of those articles aren't to brag but to point out areas of improvement and speed up the improvement process. I completely agree that people should discuss their own losses as well, particularly the really close matches and the complete wipeouts!


I am guilty myself. I haven't written about my losses enough. I should do more of this


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Why we always talk about our WIN?

I guess no one want to show his weak side, if xyz person become a famous person then they share there lose story a lot and did feel proud about that indeed.
have a great day and weekend sir 🙏😊

यस्त्विन्द्रियाणि मनसा नियम्यारभतेऽर्जुन |
कर्मेन्द्रियै: कर्मयोगमसक्त: स विशिष्यते || 7||

Chapter 3 verse 7 bhatt ji ;)

I don’t care about winning or losing, profit or loss. I just do it to the best of my ability and don’t care about the outcome;)

aha that is really a good thing then sir. 😊 thanks for sharing the lines here sir. I did feels a bit good after reading that for sure. have a great day sir 🙏

Not into Splinterlands but I always read any kind of story related to losing. Not to mention it's not because to feel glorious seeing others losses but only to learn from them.

In life, I have mostly lost. People, things, relationships.... I of course wish I didn't but that makes what I currently have more valuable.

This reminded me the saying, "what doesn't break you makes you stronger."
Have a good day.

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when they learned, they learned more from their losses than from their wins.

This is so true, i have had some painful loss that the set up just stick to my brain and never want to lose such battles again especially in tournament or leaderboard when the loss cost me a huge prize...

Truly great, this game makes you think a lot and I like that... being honest is good, showing the good and the bad! ♥

Hi! @azircon I really don't visit this site and just I noticed it now so this is a super late reply.
I don't know what made you think that I'm using bot but I do not and I actually hate them that's why I can't help but reply haha Nice content btw