BCShop.io Example Use Cases (Part 3): Any Purpose Escrow Payments

in #bcshop7 years ago

general purpose.jpg

In crypto environment the problem of trust often arises when two or more people decide to make any kind of deal. Usually, if people don’t know each other, the problem can’t be solved without involvement of 3rd party – escrow, which, in turn, should be trusted as well. In today’s post we’ll show how any purpose escrow payments can be handled in fast and convenient way via BCShop.io platform.

Before using the platform as escrow service take note that all circumstances of the deal should be clear and fixed in paper or digital form. In case of a dispute they will be used to determine who should receive ETH from the escrow smart-contract.

Without further ado let’s have a look how any purpose escrow payment can be set up.

Get access to the platform

Go to https://bcshop.io website and click “Dashboard”.


Unlock the wallet with your method of choice to access platform functions.

Create new offer

Go to “My Offers” tab and click “Create offer”.


In appeared window fill in the following fields:

  1. Name your deal however you’d like
  2. Set price in ETH or USD
  3. Put “Use escrow” tick
  4. Change what information you’d like to request during payment process, if any
  5. Select an icon for your deal
  6. Read and accept user agreement and privacy policy

Filled in form looks like this:


Click “Create offer” and sign transaction in pop up window. Wait for the transaction to be mined.


Share your link with other party

After the transaction is mined, you will see your offer in “My offers” tab. Click “Share” icon and copy link or insert JS code into your website.


Using the link, the payment can be made easily using one of the most popular wallets.


Escrow and disputes

After payment is made, ETH goes to escrow smart-contract for 24 hours. During this time paying party will have an option to open a dispute by clicking “Complain” in “My purchases” tab. If dispute is opened, “Reply” option will be available for you in “Sold” tab. In case of a dispute both parties should provide accurate information about the deal. Arbiter will study it and decide about who gets ETH from the escrow smart-contract.

In case no dispute was opened, you will be able to claim funds in 24 hours in “My Dashboard” tab.

Commission is as low as 0.8% for BCS token holders. Stay on a safe side and use escrow for your cryptocurrency deals!

About BCShop.io

BCShop.io project aims to reinvent the way digital commerce and payments work today. Focusing on digital goods and services area project’s goal is to enhance it with fast-growing opportunities blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies have to offer. In January 2018 BCShop.io hit hard cap of 2000 ETH at its token sale.

Business Inquiries bcshop@bcshop.io Website: https://bcshop.io/ Twitter https://twitter.com/BCShop_io Telegram https://t.me/bcshopio Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BCShop.io/


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