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RE: Health update and other things

in #bbh14 days ago

Good to hear you are healthy. There is so much that can go wrong with our bodies and any failure can be serious.

Storing media files is a big issue for blockchain. We had dsound before, but anything that was on there is lost even if the actual posts survive. 3speak seem to be the only ones doing it on a large scale. The CastGarden system is not ideal as it doesn't post on your account. The storage will generally have to be paid for.

I don't have any Bitcoin and have not got into Lightning. I'll have to talk to Brian at Hivefest to try and understand it.

It's a long time since I was in a kayak. I did a few trips in my teens, but never got into it. My neighbour goes on river trips with some friends on a 'sit on' kayak.