Health update and other things

in #bbh14 days ago

Hi my lovely people and it’s that time again when I visit my Nephrologist, kidney specialist for an update on how they are functioning. I had a blood test just two weeks ago and see the doctor today. This is something I have to do every three months and for the last two appointments things have been far more positive.

At one point last year, things were not so good, as we thought I would need a second transplant in 18 months. So Dr Andrews decided to try something new, another medication on top of what I already take.

Calmly waiting… optimistic things are still ok…..

I write this whilst I wait to see him and the update is…..

  • Blood pressure is good at 131/77 heart rate of 65
  • 240 creatinine - EGFR 26
  • My kidney function has actually improved. Wow!
  • In summary all is bloody amazingly great!


  • Hive Sound Library - going to change the plan a bit with this one since IPFS is not a great option at all, so shall opt for a cheap VPS where I know files will be fine and accessible at all times. Something more conventional!
  • Recording some more ideas and putting out on 3 Speak plus some Podcast stuff
  • May or may not use CastGarden because, the posts I put up there miss out on curation trails and auto votes.

Nostr and Bitcoin

  • I have stumbled upon this and collecting some Sats recently through apps such as Fountain and established a Nostr profile. So playing with Hive and Bitcoin. After all I already have a lightning wallet in the form of which means I can use that to accept Sats from people and pick up on Hive??? Yet to test this but in theory...

Kayak season comes to an end

Well it does in one way but not completely. We spent our last night out on the Aldereshot Lido last night, putting all of the kit away until May.

However we do carry on from October using an indoor pool to keep our skills going and to learn new things in total safety. Outdoor trips are more scarce save for the people who go out on white water trips.

Occasionally we might go out on the local canals but with quite a lot of layers on to ensure we keep warm. Some bright, crisp, misty mornings can be rather magical out on the water, so long as the right precautions are taken and time is limited somewhat.


Good to hear test was good. Nothing else matters really. As you guys get cold, we are warming up.

Happy Spring!!! There are Christmas items in the shops already which annoys the hell out of me. I want to start a movement called Christmas is for December!!!!

Hahaha do it! Shame the people who Christmas ejaculate too early!!!

Oooh err! Great euphemism lol!! That said, I do love our garden centres for their Christmas displays from October onwards. We do a tour!!

Being a 50 something hey!


Good to hear you are healthy. There is so much that can go wrong with our bodies and any failure can be serious.

Storing media files is a big issue for blockchain. We had dsound before, but anything that was on there is lost even if the actual posts survive. 3speak seem to be the only ones doing it on a large scale. The CastGarden system is not ideal as it doesn't post on your account. The storage will generally have to be paid for.

I don't have any Bitcoin and have not got into Lightning. I'll have to talk to Brian at Hivefest to try and understand it.

It's a long time since I was in a kayak. I did a few trips in my teens, but never got into it. My neighbour goes on river trips with some friends on a 'sit on' kayak.

That's fantastic news! Things are going the right way for you!!

Thats good news. Hope it keeps improving like this 😊


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