Giving away some BATTLE tokens on this post. Lots of stuff happening with Go check it out.
Today we want to hear about the first video game you got hooked on?
Comment below and you will be entered into the contest.
Winners selected after this post pays out.
My favorite game growing up was golden eye on the Nintendo 64. I could not get enough of that game.
My first video game was Pong.

I don't remember who made it.
I probably bought it at Radio Shack...
Sweet!! My dad always talks about this game.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I am so glad I am not the only one who played this.
Greetings, dosdudes
My first console played was atari with Dancing Plates's game!!!
thank you and have a nice day!!!
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The first game that I can remember that hooked me eas a game on my old Commodore 64 computer. It was called Hounded, and it was a Greyhound racing simulator. As a player you could bet on races, buy and train dogs and watch them race, building up a kennel of superstars.
Man lets see I know what my first favorite game I was so hooked on. It was Tony Hawk the first game ever for Play Station. I was so good after playing it day after day that I got 1,000,000 points. And if you go play it at the beginning it's so hard you would be like I do not see how you get that many points and I would be like to watch me lol. It is a really hard game grinding doing tricks while keeping them all in one move. It was really good. Best game ever Tony Hawk play station.
I got to meet tony hawk last year. He is still a super cool dude and is doing a bunch to help the community build more and more skate parks.
Ohh that was Soviet times when my father who is seaman brought first monochrome game console with 2D tennis. Was playing like mad... ahhahah
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That is sweet. Love those old 2 d games.
Hard to say exactly, there were so many games. One of the first, most addicting games we played was Doom! Love that game.
Super Mario Bros FTW :)
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For me it was Dandy with it's Hunter
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As a kid an arcade game Circus. All my pocket money were going for tokens:).

I’ve never seen this one. Looks like fun though.
Final Fantasy 7 was the first Game with more than 100hours gameplay time :-)
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Super Mario
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Bards tale on c64
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MapleStory and I wish I still could play. I loved the music and the worlds in the first version. I play the music people post on YT sometimes and get nostalgic.
I can't remember the name but it was the brain training one on the nintendo which my kids bought me one Christmas. 😊
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
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Earthworm Jim 4ever
I love this game. I played for hours.
Wizardry 1, long time ago.
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My first favorite was the original Mario Brothers. I also enjoyed Mario 3.
I was also into the Sonic The Hedgehog series. And I agree with you the Gold Eye was solid on Nintendo 64.
warcraft 3
Mario 64 hooked me before I got into goldeneye. I remember being super happy and sad when I got the last star in the game. Went up to talk to Yoshi and he told me you have done it all but here are some lives so you can still mess around in the game. I never did play it much after that.
Is tetris considered as video game?
What about feeding frenzy?
Because that's all I ever played😆
Mario or... tinytoon

The first video game I got hooked on was Pirates on the Commodore 64.
My Favorite Classic Arcade game was FROGGER! So much fun trying to cross the river, lol!🐸🐸🐸🐸😂 upped and resteemed #palnet #battle #neoxian
Ms. Pacman, I Loved Eating FRUIT at the Higher Levels...........
Probably Legend of Zelda II The Adventures of Link, I was in my twenties then and was never able to use that control so I quit on video games.
My First video game was Mario
The first game I owned was Alex the kid in wonderland on the sega master system... but I loved shinobi too!

First game... Probably good old Ghost 'n Goblins on my Commodore 64. The port was even worse than the NES one, but man I loved that thing.
Then again, I'm guessing. The first game that really hooked me could have been any of my C64 games. The ports of Donkey Kong, Jungle Hunt, and Marble Madness were also favorites.
Fifa soccer
Mario Kart
Do you remenber Asteroids!!! ;-)
Also you are the winner of the 200 tokens. They have been sent. Congratulations.
Yes. Played that forever. Atari is doing a remake. It’s going to be sweet.
My first was battle city. I always played it at a friends place some 14yrs ago. It was contained in a CD with other games, most of which I have forgotten the name. I only remember compass which was my second favourite.
Posted using Partiko Android
My favorite game was Mario Bros and Crash Bandicoot

My first video game I ever played was the same as @wizardave. The first one I was hooked on was Classic Breakout on the Atari 2600. Having to share with my brother and my mom was crazy, but when it was my turn I went to town. At the time is was a beefed up version of Pong.
space invaders baby!