Try going to settings and turn on BRAVE REWARDS and ADS.
After some hours you will get a notification and you have to click on the notification which will open up the ADS WEBSITE. After the website is automatically fully opened you will begin to earn BAT and will payout every monthly cycle.
Hope this helps. BTW I am using a laptop but should be similar with mobile devices.
Hi, can I ask something regarding the ads that pop up? I have set 5 ads per hour but I didn't get any ads popping up in my browsing. Do you have any tips on how these ads pop up?
I can only speak for windows brave browser. You don't get 5 ads EVERY HOUR at least in the USA. I get maybe 5+ ads per day and have been using it since they started with ADS. It may take up to 24 hours before seeing your first ad. Not sure how long you have been waiting after activating ADS?