Beginner Mistakes to Avoid in Basketball

in #basketball7 years ago


When watching pickup basketball at the park or at the gym it’s easy to spot beginners and amateurs making costly mistakes.

Below is a count down of the top 10 beginner mistakes in basketball:

  1. Not utilizing the pivot foot correctly.
  2. Defending with arms instead of body.
  3. Not paying attention to where players are on court.
  4. Shooting with straight legs instead of starting small and ending tall.
  5. Attempting difficult or impossible passes.
  6. Trying to dribble or shoot before catching passes securely with two hands.
  7. Not following through when shooting the ball.
  8. Dribbling high with the ball.
  9. Not staying between their man and the hoop.
  10. Not boxing out on defense.

Other honorable mentions include: setting a screen but not rolling in time, not passing to the hands of the teammate, standing to far under the hoop when catching a pass, and not utilizing free arm to protect the ball.

If you have a beginner mistake that is worth mentioning please reply to this post.


The amount of people I've seen who don't box out on defense smh. Couldn't agree more. Pulling up and taking Steph Curry range threes is a good one too.