Junior James: Children Out of Slums

in #basketball7 years ago

In the United States, the American dream is not prepared for everyone. The bottom-level people also have their own misfortunes. On Dec. 30, 1984, in Akron, Ohio, a disrepaired house, there was a name called Lattice. Leah James 16-year-old black girl gave birth to a baby boy. She has no boyfriends but only her own mother.

Griya looked at her child and said: "Poor child, if he was born, there would be no father. Let me call my surname James."

This slum-born child, without a father's child, is called: LeBron James!

At this time, Griya and her mother are worried about their lives in the future. They are helpless and do not know how to raise this small life that came to the world. They never thought that the name will spread to the United States in the future. Reverberating the entire world may be more famous than the American president.

The black slums of the United States are always in disarray and are accompanied by instability. Little LeBron did not know who his father was since he was born. His entire world has only mothers and grandmothers. Unfortunately, in the early morning of Christmas when she was three years old, her grandmother died of an acute heart attack. LeBron had just opened his Christmas gift when he knew the news: a basketball, the first basketball in life. Griella told LeBron the news of his death after she opened her presents. She was like that and always protected LeBron. Maybe it was destined that basketball would give the child a bright childhood.

The little guy was suddenly attracted to this bouncing ball toy. For a long time, young James was chasing orange-red basketball on the street and he was happy.

Later, the old house of the James house was demolished. He and his mother began a life of displacement. They moved home twelve times from the age of 5 to 8 in Lebron. He felt that he was very sorry for the child. Brown understands his mother's hard work and never complains that every time he moves, he just picks up his little backpack with all his belongings and follows his mother in silence. When other children were playing video games, Little LeBron was busy moving.

However, moving can't change anything. It's still a dilapidated hut. Still not enough to eat, there are still no toys, still have to deal with neighborhoods full of drugs, still being frightened by gunfire and siren every night, still huddled in the quilt. Hold your own shoulders waiting for the day.

This is LeBron's childhood, spent in sirens, gun battles, and all sorts of chaos, and she has been doing everything to protect LeBron. She helps Little LeBron away from all dangerous things like drugs and stealing. Despite the hard life, she has been working hard to give her children a white child-like life, trying hard to do a lot of hard work and reminding LeBron to keep young. Responsible for keeping away from bad habits and placing LeBron's Christmas gifts on paper slips under the Christmas tree, LeBron is everything for her. In the night of gunfire, Griya sometimes went out to work. At this time, Little James's biggest hope was to wake up the next day to see his mother still alive, and Gria never let him down.

For LeBron, Gria means that the love of the world means the greatest sense of security, the belief in survival, and the determination to be a good person in the future. You can say that Griya is not a good girl. She has no culture. She was early pregnant and she was in the slum. However, you can never deny that she is a good mother.

However, such a life is fragile, and it is displaced in the slums. There is no hope for such a life. An unfortunate one may be lost. Fortunately, James met Frank Walker.

Frank Walker was the coach of a local basketball team called the Hornets. When the mother and son were cornered, Walker accepted James because he saw James's super-age mentality and amazing athleticism. Help the child.

At the age of nine, LeBron often went to the junior team under a rugby team in the south of Akon. He left a deep impression on Coach Walker: "The child never played an organized game and knew nothing about the rules, but once he said it, he immediately understood that I had never seen him like him. smart kid."

So, with the help of the Walker and his wife, James's life changed. With the first real home, he had his own room for the first time. For the first time, he felt what was called a stable life. He started to like children. Play together, start studying hard, and most importantly, James begins to contact basketball.

James said that he fell in love with the sport when he first came in contact with basketball, especially the feeling of a layup after a successful steal, which gave him a joy to win. Since then, basketball has become the love of LeBron James. James wanted to grow up to 1 meter 98 from an early age, and was as high as Jordan. When he reached 2 meters 03, he was still very annoyed for this period of time. He was an idol when he played guard from a young age. He did not know that he would grow into a versatile player like Bird and Magic.