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RE: A classic example of the reaction by many at hearing about UBI

The monetary economic system is the only system used since the start of civilization.
actually that's not true.
Barter predated fact it's still in use. Some cultures used a 'gift' economy...such as the native americans in the Northwest.

socialism, regulations and planned economy use the same system as free market capitalism
actually that's not true. There's a reason it's called a FREE market. The less regulations it has, the more FREE it is. The more FREE it is..the better it works. Exactly the opposite of a planned economy.

.Capitalism and free market is just the idea that liberalism will work if we just purify it.
Actually that's not true. Capitalism and the free market is the default setting. Just leave people alone and that's what they do.

The world don't envy the US anymore...

Odd about that immigration issue and the need to build a wall to keep them out.


No, the barter economy is a myth. It's based on the ideological claim you make a bit later in your comment, that free trade is a law of nature, and come natural to humans. Pre-monetary economy was based on sharing. If I give you meat when I'm successful hunting, you give me meat when you are successful hunting. Food go bad, so there is no point in holding on to it for profit. Best stated in the words of a hunter/gatherer I can't name: "I store my meat in the belly of my brother"

I already debunked the "free" statement in several of my comments. Regulations where put in place to protect people. Like harmful substances is illegal in food, pollution land, air and water is illegal, slavery is illegal... list go on and on. All regulations is a response to someone exploiting the freedom before regulation. You can't take it away and believe it will make things better.

You speak of economy like it's a law of nature. It is not. It is a tool of civilization. There is no divine state of economy.

Ok, I give you right in the assertion that 3th world citizens still want to come to the US... just like they want to come to Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore.....

The wall... I let Adam ruin it for you:

I actually think that UBI in some form is a great idea.
Perhaps even necessary and maybe inevitable.
Too bad people like you are giving it a bad name and slowing it's acceptance.

How am I giving UBI a bad name?

cute video.

To debunk the video you need to refute all of the articles it refer to. Claim it is bogus got no value

No...I don't have to do anything
The burden of proof rests on you. You are the one who is trying to convince ME.
Not the other way around.

Too bad, like I said.
UBI is a good idea.
Why are you trying to kill it?

The video already refer to articles the statements in the video is based on. The reference pop up in the up corner. If you assert they are false, you need to refute them... at least if you want to back up your bogus statement.

You already said that, and again I ask, How am I giving UBI a bad name? Don't just repeat "you kill UBI". Tell my why you state this assertion.

Holding onto the ideal that capitalism, at least as we have it now, is a system worthy of defending needs to go away. This system harms most of the people who are under it.
Something like 60% of the people in the United States self identify as conservatives.

And you just alienated them.

Please try to keep up.

I guess we need to convince the conservative that god agree CO2 is a greenhouse gas too. The idea that facts need to be withheld to not upset the conservatives, is absurd. I'm not even an American, and I won't change any statement to not offend some conservative snowflake. Why do I think you would give me the opposite opinion on political correct social justice warriors snowflake? Anyway, thanks for pointing out conservative snowflakes! :) It really make my day, when funny ironies like that make it into the comment-section

Also UBI isn't about the US or getting conservative acceptance. It's an issue for the hole world, where facts about the current system and future economical issues need to be stated as clear and unprejudiced as possible.

Something tells me I got a bunch of emotional trigger attempts like "Please try to keep up." waiting if I keep on discussing. Probably also a long discussion about global warming not being real. I'm gone say, Thanks, but no thanks, to both of those, and leave the discussion here. Bye-bye!