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RE: Unconditional Basic Income and the Question of Freeloading

I am into a money-free social premise though willing to listen about basic income. But thinking that UBI can succeed while cohabiting with our corporate monsters and centralization by governments is a form of irrational exuberance


I mainly think UBI will be inflationary - unless spending is heavily controlled, rationed. We are talking of 50-70% of population being jobless in 10 years from now. At some point it will go fast. My website reports on these trends.

arent banks corporation monsters? Centralization by government didnt succeed in stopping them. I dont see any difference between google or amazon and whatever central bank to be honest. Corporations and central banks are the hydra with two heads, and they control governments. So I do not want to rely on any UBI in this deceptive landscape.

It all remains to be seen, because keynesian theories always work good on paper. As a metathinker and very aware of the economic shenanigans over the centuries, all monetary systems have proven that value is entirely subjective, and that is why they all fail. Same for any expectations which all fall short because time is too subjective. Time and value cannot be quantified.

When I said "our" corporation, I was being kind of cynical. But I am very concerned about any system that gives a free pass to corporations that have committed the worse humanitarian crimes and are still unpunished. There cannot be healthy system without restarting from scratch,

FROM SCOTT SANTENS ARTICLE ... Elsewhere, where basic income experiments have been actually tried and studied, the result in each case is increased entrepreneurship. People use their basic incomes to invest in themselves and their futures, creating new businesses and helping to drive the economy beyond what would be possible without it. This means more people competing for basic income dollars, with better goods and services and lower costs.

Here comes a major flaw. I completely disagree here as there won't be any possibilities to start up new business, competition will grind to a halt with automation/robotics/megacomputers taking over most jobs. Even hedge fund managers and surgeons will lose their jobs.

Investing in their future? The only future that exists is that humans will have to show their creativity with 3D printers, computers and support their veggie urban garden, which have began to pop a little bit everywhere already... we are headed for a future that will be driven by Creativity, Empathy and feeding ourselves without the need for any corporations, a voluntarist society. The competitive game is over. And the sooner we grasp this the better for the transition. A highly advanced society is de-materialzing the meaning of life, which so far has been about hunting money. That is the end of the paradigm. Continuing down this paradigm will lead to the total enslavement to the Hive Mind Cloud.

I fundamentally disagree with the word 'competition' , that are our darwinian frameworks that led us on the edge of the abyss in the first place so why continuing with the same faulty logic? I could go on and on, but it is my understanding so far is that UBI supporters have a poor grasp of the immutable Forces at play in the Universe, which is why I am drafting the metaphysics and metaphilosophical guidelines for a money-free and futuristic society.

Thanks for sharing, my reply to you is also included in my today blog
Time And Value Are the Only Adversaries Of Universal Basic Income, Greenspan Just Predicted A Major Crash