Some basic HTML and Markdown formatting in Steem. Feel free to add your own.
Empty Line
HTML Format: <br>
HTML Format: <b>something</b>
HTML Result: something
Markdown Format: **something**
Markdown Result: something
Note, if you want two asterisk in front of a word, then put a slash in front of each asterisk \*\* to make text.
HTML Format: <em>This text is emphasized</em>
HTML Result: This text is emphasized
Markdown Format: *something*
Markdown Result: something
Note, if you want an asterisk in front of a word, then put a slash in front of each asterisk \* to make text.
HTML Format: <h1>Introduction1</h1>
HTML Format: <h2>Introduction2</h2>
HTML Results:
Markdown Format: (Must start the line)
# Introduction1
## Introduction2
Markdown Results:
Quoting something:
HTML Format: <blockquote>This is a quote that you are distinguishing from your text.</blockquote>
HTML Results:
This is a quote that you are distinguishing from your text.
Markdown Format: (Must start the line)
> This is a quote that you are distinguishing from your text.
Markdown Results:
This is a quote that you are distinguishing from your text.
HTML Format: <a href="/@mctiller">Link to mctiller</a>
HTML Results: Link to mctiller
Markdown Format: [Link to mctiller](/@mctiller).
Markdown Results:Link to mctiller.
HTML Format:
HTML Results:
<img src="">
Markdown Format:
Markdown Results:

Image link: A image that is also a link
HTML Results: (Click on image)
HTML Format: <a href="">
<img src="">
Markdown Format:
Markdown Results: (Click on image)
Video: On Youtube, just right-click and "Copy Video URL"
https: //
HTML Format:
<table style="width:100%">
HTML Results:
Jack | Dumpty | 53 |
Jill | Hills | 5 |
Markdown Format:
| FName | LName | Age
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:
|Jack | Dumpty | 53
|Jill | Hills | 5
Markdown Results:
FName | LName | Age |
Jack | Dumpty | 53 |
Jill | Hills | 5 |
I was wondering how to embed YouTube videos here. I'd been having such shoddy luck with it.
Awesome. Thank you.
For Japanese, I also created a article explains how to write markdowns. It has quoted some ways from this article. Thank you for your contribution.
Thank you for this post! Highly appreciated!!