Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia

in #bascom7 years ago

Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia is the beating heart of the Caucasus, the city is trying to catch up when they were joined in the Soviet Union. Star hotels, restaurants and nightlife felt its presence in the city center. I arrived in Tbilisi at 5 am and the streets were filled with young couple who just finished feasting.
Part of Tbilisi's face is surrounded by a fortress Narikala that has existed since the 4th century ago.


Tbilisi yang adalah ibukota Georgia adalah detak jantung Kaukasus, kota ini berusaha mengejar ketinggalan saat mereka masih bergabung di Uni Soviet. Hotel berbintang, restoran dan kehidupan malam terasa kehadirannya di pusat kota. Saya tiba di Tbilisi pukul 5 pagi dan jalanan penuh dengan muda mudi yang baru selesai berpesta.
Sebagian wajah Tbilisi dikelilingi benteng Narikala yang telah ada sejak abad ke 4 silam.