Little message from boy to all muslim in the world

in #bascom7 years ago

A little boy said: "My father has not set out for Hajj yet, but my father has entered heaven."

Brother, did you feel as you read this little brother's message? Or you just ordinary?
He is your brother, my brother and brother of all Muslims. We may no longer feel the pain of the suffering of our other organs, it is because we are no longer sensitive and concerned with the sick body organs.
Muslims are a human organ, for example, when one organ or part of body feels ill we should feel pain.


Seorang anak kecil berkata: "Ayahku belum berangkat haji, namun Ayahku sudah masuk surga."

Saudaraku, terenyuhkah kamu saat membaca pesan yang disampaikan oleh adik kecil ini? Atau Kamu biasa saja?
Dia saudaramu, saudaraku dan saudara kaum Muslimin seluruhnya. Kita mungkin tak lagi merasa sakit penderitaan organ tubuh kita yang lain, itu dikarenakan kita tak lagi peka dan peduli dengan organ tubuh yang sakit itu.
Muslim adalah umpama organ tubuh seorang manusia, dimana saat satu organ atau bagian tubuh merasa sakit harusnya kita merasa kesakitan.


Actually, we all feel the pain. Don't make it a Muslim only thing. People love people and feel sorry for them too. It doesn't have to be a Muslim to understand a Muslim or Christian to understand a Christian.... Prayers to many such children around the world!