A Bannon-Mogg Alliance: Is Revolutionary Conservatism Coming to the UK?

in #bannon7 years ago


For some, the news that Stephen Bannon and Jacob Rees-Mogg, the rising 'meme' star of the Conservative backbench, met in a London's Mayfair Hotel this week is a mere footnote in this weeks news cycle. I am here to tell you it is not.

"Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment"


If Stephen Bannon, the alleged self-described 'Leninist', entered into a trans-Atlantic alliance with Conservative backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg it could spell trouble on the horizon for the establishment front benches of the Conservative Party which currently hold sway.

Bannon's revolutionary Conservative movement came on leaps and bounds throughout the US in 2016, targeting voters in the 'rust belt' states with much success. The people in these states are dwellers in the land of Trump's 'factories scattered like tombstones', dissatisfied with the Obama years, yet unwilling to turn to the current neo-conservative order.

These people, who have suffered greatly from de-industrialisation of their states, compare somewhat to those in this country who lost their livelihoods to Mrs Thatcher's brutal policies of de-industrialisation during the 1980s. They are watching the face of their communities change through mass migration and their real wages slip into oblivion. These are the people who may rally to the call of a Bannon-Mogg alliance.

Britain is ripe for a revolutionary conservative movement. The UK Independence Party could easily be revitalised, or swept aside by a new movement that speaks to the many disenfranchised voters outside of London. With Rees-Mogg at the helm, and Bannon working on funding and propaganda behind the scenes, such a movement could produce a bigger political earthquake than the Brexit vote of June 2016.

Is Mr Bannon is using the Left's playbook to bring his conservative revolution to The West?

Could this be the beginning of a 'Conservative International'?

Is the current conservative order of the UK now in Stephen Bannon's sights?
