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RE: The BIG LIE that FIAT Currency Sold Us

in #banking7 years ago

Great article. Thank you! And here are my answers.

About the first question:
I think there should be a law against this types of advertisements, like cigarettes and alcohol.
The are highly addictive, lower you're live quality and can be Lethal.

The politicians are accepting the education system, and the Big Banks are funding the politicians, so it is just returning the favor.

Third and fourth:
Yes, i am on the way to retire wealthy. (Because of the Crypto, and some financial education i did my self.)
No my parents wont retire wealthy.


The way we categorize money in our minds is based on our habits with money and our beliefs about money. Even reviewing how we imagine dealing with money can be very revealing about any potential future wealth you may acquire.

Recently I posted a question, 'What would you do if you had a little extra money?'

And I would be interested to get more perspective from additional answers. This is a question I that I had to study for a long time, and really reflect on the different categories of answers that are possible - and the reasoning behind them.