This post contains three contracts.
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan an amount of steem equal to 1200 USD (395 steem based on to @gmuxx. He promises to repay an amount of Steem and/or SBD equal to 1320 usd. He shall pay an amount of Steem and/or SBD equal to 200 usd per week until 1320 usd is reached (final payment would be 120 usd). The first payment shall be on May 30th, 2018. The website shall be used to determine prices for purposes of repayment.
To insure payment of this loan, the lendee promises to hand over their Owner key(s) to the bank. The bank will give back new active and posting keys to the lendee. The lendee affirms that the owner key(s) are given voluntarily and their account(s) are not stolen. They promise not to initiate the Stolen account recovery procedure.
The lendee agrees that if the Bank decides to change the active key(s) and keep them private, this does not constitute of breach of contract.
Lendee also consents to Bank changing the trustee if the Bank so chooses.
Owner key(s) will be returned upon successful completion of loan.@gmuxx shall hereafter be known as the lendee…
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 200 steem to @chloroform. He promises to repay 220 steem. He shall pay 20 steem per week until 220 steem is reached. The first payment shall be on May 30th, 2018.
The Bank retains the Owner key of @chloroform and shall return it when this loan is complete.
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 315 SBD to @uncommonriad. He promises to repay 345 SBD. He shall pay 57.5 SBD per week until 345 SBD is reached. The first payment shall be on June 3rd, 2018.
The Bank retains the Owner key of @uncommonriad and shall return it when this loan is complete.
Please sign below...
(classic pic of Ultima 5 cover art)
Entrusted to deliver an uncounted purse of gold, thou dost meet a poor beggar. Dost thou:
- Deliver the gold knowing the trust in thee was well-placed.
- Give the beggar a coin, knowing it won't be missed.
I've always had trouble with this question from the Ultima games.
Yes, I agree and signed in this contract.
Really I am your great fan. I am very grateful to you.
Thank you so much @neoxian
sir, @neoxian True, you are good enough to take a loan from you and all the steemit users can do something good. Thank you for your good work.
I hereby sign my agreement to these terms. Thank you very much.
Good job..@gmuxx
You are great, i am happy to be with the neoxian bank.
i cud buy a bikeof this steem here in India lol ... :p
I'm high and agree
I really hope this deal will be beneficial to both of you.
Congratulation dear friends @gmuxx and @chloroform. Bank of neoxian helps us a lot. Sir @neoxians great mission gives us a great opportunity for instant loans. Thanks a lot sir @neoxian.
Ultima games, i like its boss
Give the beggar a coin, knowing it won't be missed.
Congratulations @gmuxx
Bank really helpful for steemit users! thanks Great Bank of Neoxian
Congratulations @gmuxx!
congratulations to @gmuxx hope you use it well and it will serve you well...
i think giving coin to beggar is best thing he has to do
New contact system... But overall okay... A big contact..
Congrats @gmuxx and the faithful and trusted bank of @neoxian
You have a time for playing games?Congratz to @gmuxx & also Congratz to @uncommonriad. @neoxian sir i don't have any idea about these Ultima games! These question is interesting but I have a question for you!
A little bit of time, sometimes.
Dear @neoxia I miss you ... come
you need more times for your self sir.
thank youvery cool @neoxian I like your way @MrDragon
I was thinking that if he was a beggar of those who believe in socialism, he would not give him the coin; But, maybe it would be better to buy him food with that coin and try to unlock his brain with some positive expressions ... maybe, it could work ... However, we have a problem; since, we must not betray the trust that they deposited in us; therefore, I would deliver the rest of the coins but talk to the owner of the capital, explaining clearly what happened, most likely I will have to pay him; but "clear accounts retain friendships"

Respect in business
Greetings @neoxian
Great job...KUDOS!!!Congratulations @chloroform and @gmuxx on the loan recieved.. You are making waves and helping others with your fantastic banking service @neoxian..:)
..another fentastic bank name Ultima Bank of Neoxian,,,its so huge loan /
its so great deal of @neoxian bank,,,its so a usefull bank of @neoxian thanks @gmuxx. also @neoxian sir
being a neoxainfan i would congratulate @gmuxx for such a great deal with neoxain bank,the bank of steemit and soon will be the bank of cryptocurrency with believe you can change the world.
go ahead...congrates @gmuxx god job @neoxian
I see that you are a fan of comics and video games I like videogames but I have not played this that you mention Ultima V Destiny Warriors so I went to investigate about the game I find interesting, you know where I could download it? I feel sad of not being able to help you with the questions of the game.
On the internet I found this image
I do not like gaming and the second option is better, help beggars and give coins
Oh what beautiful memories I have of that serie Ultima.
I think I'll play it on the pc to relive my childhood.
Keep growing and beating our nostalgia hahaha.
Handing coins to beggar would always be better option....
I will opt for the 2nd option..
congratulations to @gmuxx who have got a capital loan from bank @neoxian, may be useful for you. @neoxian bank are aspirational, accommodative, and implementative bank. hopefully more glorious
Just dropped by to say hi and thanks for the nice UV tonight.
I just finished drafting a post on the Marshall Islands, going up in an hour, did you know they are the first nation, breaking news, to make a crypto their own sovereign currency?
It means it has to be accepted by other nations!
If you would like to read it, it will be up in 1 hour.
Have a nice week, it was nice seeing your name again.
in the same way the money in the stock exchange is not counted and the beggar needs that currency@neoxian how are you I give the coin to the beggar and deliver the bag of coins
395 SBD !!!
good deal!!!
Thanks for sharingawesome review @neoxian
wow!! Daily contracts: 2018-05-22

Thanks for sharing
I hope @gmuxx will keep a rood role ..Nice deal!!!!
Congratulations @gmuxx @neoxian sir very helpful man
Nice deal..Trust is important thing.
Good work..@chloroform is lucky..and trusted so.. I hope @gmuxx also finish his deal on a time period..Nice review..Thanks for sharing
I congratulate @gmuxx and @chloroform for successfully making a loan with the neoxian Bank, hopefully with this capital you are always successful. About the questions in the game @neoxian, Maybe they know you are the one who often donates the gold to the needy, so they give you such notice. I'm just kidding Boss @neoxian. 😀
Wow ... it's amazing to see Neoxian Banks with excellent management, more and more customers are lending from @neoxian. This shows that the Neoxian Bank is the best bank currently in steemit. Today there are SBD and STEEM loan transactions by two Clients. Congratulations to @gmuxx and @chloroform, Hopefully with the capital you have this will get great benefits to you both.
Hello @neoxian,
Congratulations both sides. Two incredible contracts happened same time.
Congratulation to both loaners. That is a lot of trusts based on the market price since its fluctuate all the times. However, I believe you already think of a way and forecast ahead to ensure the average price in return.
The Ultima games just a simulation of some real scenario in life. The scenario of beggar reminds me of the real one. Whenever we give a penny to a beggar, we are actually creating a fake hope for them and they will eventually come back to beg more. It is better to find the root cause and help them to get a job and make a living.
Congratulation @gmuxx and @chloroform for your loan deal with the #bankofneoxian. It's another progress of this bank. Go ahed the bigger bank of neoxian.
@neixian 1200 wow its amazing,,I love this bank,,its great
Congratulation sir both of you @gmuxx & @neoxian. Go Ahead! all the best wishes for you
Two huge contracts at a time. You are the ultimate bank of @neoxian. Congratulations guys for the loan. I hope you use it well
I kind of want to try this out.. but cant seem to find anything to invest in.
Ever thought about something like that? Hmm. @neoxian would you maybe take deposits? Pay some interest on them. I have a few hundred Steem, SBD on my channel that are just laying there doing nothing, and this could be kind of risk free investment for me.
I do take deposits.
Dera @neoxian
**The key is to be able to adapt. Media it can not too stiff, should flow in accordance with the changing times. **
over the trust of the Bank of Neoxian on loan hopefully can be used properly.
back happy news and congratulations to @gmuxx love book is my favorite @neoxian
AwxOme deal! I think the second option is better...
Congratulation @gmuxx, good job @neoxian.
@gmuxx congratulations on achieving a loan of 1200 $ USD. Hopefully you will utilize the loan amount very well and off course big thanks to @neoxian who help to fulfuill the wish of @gmuxx Keep it up @neoxian
Congrats @gmuxx, Kudos @neoxian..
Not a game fan, but I don't think Contract #1 is good for the Bank! If I am not mistaken STEEM/SBD will rise! So, you know the end result then!
Anyway congratz for all contracts!@neoxian,
Deliver the gold I think
Congratulation and success for the ultima Bank of Neoxian and @gmuxx.
Congratulations @gmuxx I wish you the very best and I pray you have a smooth repayment without stress. Keep the good work up @neoxian this bank of yours makes you a legend and problem solver.
Give the beggar a coin..
Never leave a beggar empty handed
The Ultima Bank of Neoxian made a nice loan with 10% profit in seven weeks. Great deal @gmuxx!
No one has ever became poor by giving!
This sure is quite unique deal ;)