Jeff and His "Peace, Love and Sillyness" Bands About Bands Review S02:E02

in #bandsaboutbands7 years ago (edited)

When I was in London for a vacation I've heard lots of people swearing on streets at their finest. There were too many creative word combinations after what I've heard in my own country. While I was drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette in front of a pub a homeless old man approached to me and asked for 30 pennys kindly. I've looked in to my pockets and there were only 50 pennys, I handed him out the money and he gave me 20 pennys back and added: "You are drinking the best fucking beer in Britain sir!" Two or three days after this I went to a shop for some snacks and sandwiches, I gave my last 8 pounds that day for three sandwiches a chocolate, two potato chips and a bottle of water. After I got out of the shop I ran in to a man with three dogs sitting on a sidewalk and watching the people passing by asked him if the dogs were his. He introduced me with his dogs Sam, Thomas and Taylor and we had a little conversation. He said his son died of leukemia and he spent his all money for his treatment and then he got homeless. On the final sentences of our conversation he asked me that If I have some changes. I told him that I've spent all my money on this (while showing the bag of snacks). He smiled and said "Screw the changes eh?" I laughed and offered him sandwiches and chips instead of changes and he took a sandwich and a chip, thanked me then I left there.

shaggin someone :)" yes that was the word which brought me back to my vacation. I've commented on his post saying that "After mixing all three of those I will get shagged mate glad to hear other side of the story" he replied "Yes shagging was cool back then. Nowadays it takes too much work and Steemit gets in the way of pursuing shaggles" He made me laugh and I think that was the starting point of our friendship.After 2 or 3 weeks of steemit experience I've seen a post by @jeffandhisguitar and he wrote these sentences with all his sincerity "I reckon most people reading this has gone out on an evening, smoked a few Cheeches and sunk a few beers, popped a few pills and ended up

On the last episode of Bands About Bands he commented that he wishes someone could write about him. To be honest I was shocked "How come nobody wrote about this gorgeous man?" Yes I called dibs about the review, obviously. I've told him that I'm going to write about you and he got happy as a kid can be :) He offered me lots of information he can and here we are.

Jeff was born in a town called Penzance, far in the South West corner of Cornwall in U.K. As a teenage he was a shy and un-confident lad who experienced same thoughts we have experienced about the future and the future's bringings. He started to play guitar himself and kept it to himself as well for some time. He really believed that hobbies were for weekends and spare time for some reason. The most admirable thing about his guitar experience is he learned guitar all by himself. He never took a lesson and he always loved to challenge himself why he is playing with his guitar.

As all of us did he worked in various jobs as a factory/farm/construction worker, a cab driver and helped people with disabilities for 4 years on Mencap etc. 

He said enough at some point, it was all the same and wasn't bringing the satisfaction he needed. The hidden artist in his body started to talk with him and convinced him to book a one way ticket to Asia. Glad he did! That's how we had a chance to experience his story and his artistic works. He packed a bagpack and his guitar, flew there and his story began.

He experienced some difficulties at first but he always smiled, done what he was doing with love and passion and of course he brought joy to everyone that he has touched their lives with his generous spirit. He is a wealthy man not with the money yet but with talent, time, passion and joy. I've recently read his "Quit Your Day Job Contest" entry and got inspired every bit of it and told him. I highly suggest you to read that article as well. You can read it by clicking here

At the age of 37 he still giving a fight about his passion and his dreams(free motivation for teenies).

He found his muse in Cambodia, his creativity reached beyond what he thought. Every other day he spreads the joy around him and creating beautiful melodies with his guitar.

Currently he is teaching guitar in a music school in Cambodia and on Dtube, giving out concerts, sharing his adventures on Steemit and experiencing the life at maximum by enjoying and appreciating every minute of it.

If you have ever listened to Jeff's works it is easy to hear that he achieved a fashionable style.

Before we get in to a song review he reminds me of a cartoon character that I would like to share. I shared it with him and got permission before I post. If you have ever watched The Wild Thornberrys it's not hard to catch that resemblance.


Okay let's review songs from him which I love most.


I have looped the song while I was writing this blog post. Maybe listened over 20 times and never get bored of it. Its like a never ending song of a day cycle. He named it more than words and its obviously more than words. Its an instrumental song and has very lovely melodies in it as sentences. If a British man would like to express his feelings about sunshine and sunset after escaping bloody grey weather on UK he will share this song with you. Its very easy to hear that Jeff is getting influenced by eastern melodies while he plays western style. This song maybe the first checkpoint of what he can do by blending of Eastern and Western scales. Grab a beer or a milkshake and listen it. You will fall in love with what you are going to hear.


An instrumental story telling that visualize the feeling of a walk in woods. The strumming technique he used on this song is mesmerizing and the touch he put to a hidden riddle on song is calming.  Song gives the exact euphoria of smoking a joint after a long break. This song is going to be released on Jeff's next instrumental album. On the other hand do you guys remember what I've written on first song review? Well you will remember after listening to this song.

Final words;

Jeff has lost his beloved mom on this March and he said to me that his final words to his mom was "I will do you proud mom!" . Speaking on behalf of DSound community your passion, hard work and your spirit has already inspired us. We are proud just by knowing you! I'm sure that you've already proud her.

Here are some links to follow Jeff's works;








To join and review a band/artist here is the announcement link of the contest.

BONUS: A Poem By Jeff

Pussycat, pussycat, what did you do!!
You sniffed out my shirt and did a facking poo!!
I bet you scratched it beforehand and did your little shat dance ..
All whilst I was sleeping, in my lovely deep state of trance.Did you not think little friend, to use your litterbox?
A better idea for next time I think, else you WILL be kicking rocks.
I did actually think about washing it as it is my favourite shirt..
But a close inspection of the shatty bits and saturation,
made me gag and deeply hurt.

All of the pictures has used on this post has taken from @jeffandhisguitar 


Great review for one of Steemit's finest in many ways. It nice to get a little more background on Jeff. I love thaty he had the courage to pack a bag and jump on a flight- I did it myself back in thre day, Italy was my destination - I was back witihn 3 weeks DOH!
Nice one Jeff - keep the fingers fizzing that fretboard!

But i hope you've had enough pizza and pasta there before you got back :) thanks for the comment mate :)

Ahh cheers kryptoe buddy :)
Super humbled about this all!

Ah that is nice to know you took the leap man.
A sniff of the Italian life eh.
3 weeks is a nice holiday eh!
Did you plan to stay longer and things did not work out?
Would love to hear your stories.
Cheers bru!

Yeah it was meant to be a lifestyle change but life decided otherwise, I did the Ashram thing for a couple of months but always find my way back to uk, work that one out :)

Ah a bit of bible bashin does no harm Kryptus.
Maybe the English ales brought you home?
Or the love of a Tescos Pizza... None of that Italian shite :D

Thanks for participating again @allbums and what an awesome review about Jeff!

This is like wow review! Thank you for enabling this bro! :)

Humbled blockchain brothers :)
Super cheers to you all :)
Nice one allbums :)


This is fantastic write-up, enjoyed reading the stories so much, Allbums! Jeff is indeed contagious with his motivation and music skills. Exactly the one who does not take lesson, just meant to give :) Jeff and his Guitar indeed drives my inspiration from the day I saw his first post, so I believe many, without him knowing ;)

What a proper shout-out to a fantastic guy! Big up to you both! On Zen too :)

☮ Silent Zen ~ Indie ~ Music ~ Photo ~ Art ~ Support ☮

Exactly! He makes it really easy to understand on his tutorials its huge! There's a idiom in my mother language it says; "Who learned a task hard way can teach someone in its simplest!" Thank you very much for your kind words Sam :) As Jeff says "yeeeow" :)

Ahh wicked Sam :)
I hope to meet ya one day bro in the world Steemit meetup haha
Will be weird seeing ya all ehhhh.
But super pleasant at the same time!
Thanks for your words of encouragement and I send mungus fist bumps across the pond!
Again thanks to allbums for this review :D

What a nice job, @allbums! I really like your review! It's great.

thank you very much @ylich I've just listened noches el moscu its a vibrant song with a happy feeling really loved your style :)

Wow, cool! Thank you very much. It's good to know you enjoyed it! :-D

Wow, cool! Thank you very much. It's good to know you enjoyed it! :-D

first of all , that cartoon, ha ha so spot on :) but seriously jeff is a top bloke , which nobody can deny, his guitar skills are top notch, and he has a personality to match, so glad to have met him on here, inspirational chap indeed , good luck jeff , you da man :)

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