• B a n d o t a n plants are seasonal plants that come from tropical America. Typical smelling like goat 'b a n d o t' is the origin of the B a n d o t a n formed the name of the plant. This plant has rounded leaves such as eggs, b e r i n g g i t edges, haired surfaces with a length of 2 to 10 cm and a width of 0.5 to 5 cm. Flower B a n d o t a n Compound flowers are white or purple, growing on the tip of the trunk.
• B a n d o t a n plants can grow up to 120 cm tall. The trunk is erect and lying, round and hairy. This plant is often regarded as a bully bush, but actually this plant is believed to be able to treat fever, abdominal pain, wound medicine, chest pain and more.