Zivot na tockovima 2 - Life on wheels 2

in #banat3 years ago (edited)
🇷🇸 Nastavak avanture🇬🇧 Continuation of the adventure
Hello Hiveri! Eto mene sa novim postom. Prethodnog dana se nisam oglasavao jer sam bio prezauzet, ali sta je tu je idemo dalje. Naime, zelim da napomenem da sam u proslom postu poceo sa temom kako izgleda moj radni dan tako da ce i ovaj danasnji post biti u toj temi ali kao nastavak.Oni koji me prate od pocetka znaju o cemu se radi a nadam se i novim pratiocima kojima ce biti zanimljivo ono sto ja radim i na koji nacin predstavljam sebe.
Prvo bih zeleo da u kratkim crtama objasnim kako funkicionise moj posao da bi vam nastavak moje price bio jasniji. Ono sto je interesantno za medjunarodnu spediciju je to da postoji pocetna i krajnja zemlja ili destinacija, sto je normalno za bilo koji vid putovanja, s tim sto je ovde bitn isplativost kretanja kamiona sto znaci da ako postoje usputne zemlje, uvek se obraca paznja na Tur-Retur kako mi vozaci kazemo u zargonu.To znaci da kamion uvek mora da prevozi neku robu, odnosno da se sto manje krece prazan. Ja sam se opredelio za uvoz robe iz Turske sto znaci da je to krejnja destinacija a isto tako imamo pocetnu destinaciju a to je nasa voljena Srbija. Zargonski receno "krug" cine Srbija-Turska-Srbija, ali tu imamo i usputnu zemlju kroz koju prolazimo a to je u ovom slucaju Bugarska. Prvo imamo izvoz robe Srbija-Bugarska,posle istovara u Bugarskoj nastavljamo dalje u Tursku gde se tovari izvozna roba za Srbiju i to je taj "Retur".... Ponekad to moze biti i neka treca zemlja, npr. Hrvatska ili Slovenija ili neka treca clanica Evropske unije,ali otom potom pisacu i o tome. U proslom postu sam konkretno opisao kraj kruga i to je bio istovar robe koja je uvezena iz Turske u Srbiju. Od ovog posta krece moj novi krug ili nazovimo, nova avantura.

Nakon sto je istovarena uvozna roba u VOX Electronics u Beogradu (Šimanovci), krenuo sam na utovar izvozne robe iz Srbije za Bugarsku. Jucerasnji dan mi je protekao u putu do mesta utovara a to je Svrljig, malo mesto nadomak Niša na jugu Srbije.
Hello Hiveri!Here I am with a new post. I didn't advertise the day before because I was too busy, but let's move on. Namely, I would like to mention that in the last post I started with the topic of what my working day looks like, so this Today's post will be in that topic, but as a continuation. Those who follow me from the beginning know what it is about and I hope new followers who will be interested in what I do and how I present myself.
First of all, I would like to briefly explain how my work works to make the continuation of my story clearer. What is interesting about international forwarding is that there is a starting and ending country or destination, which is normal for any type of travel. , with the fact that the cost-effectiveness of truck movement is important here, which means that if there are passing countries, attention is always paid to Tur-Retur, as we drivers say in jargon. I decided to import goods from Turkey, which means that it is a real destination and we also have a starting destination and that is our beloved Serbia. which we pass and that in this case is Bulgaria. First we have the export of goods Serbia-Bulgaria, after unloading in Bulgaria we continue further to Turkey where the export goods are loaded for Serbia and it is that "Retur" .... Sometimes it can be some third country, eg Croatia and either Slovenia or some third member of the European Union, but then I will write about it. In the last post I specifically described the end of the circle and it was the unloading of goods imported from Turkey to Serbia. From this post starts my new circle adventure.

After the unloaded import goods at VOX Electronics in Belgrade (Šimanovci), I started loading export goods from Serbia to Bulgaria. Yesterday passed my way to the place of loading and that is Svrljig, a small place near Niche in the south of Serbia


Sledeći nivo,SvrljigNext level,Svrljig
Dolazak u Svrljig je protekao super s obzirom na vremenske promene koje su malo otezale putovanje. Palo je dosta snega pa su uslovi puta bili malo otezani, sto je dosta veci rizik u voznji teretnog vozila nego putnickog.Ali iskustvo za volanom teretnjaka je ucinilo svoje pa sam se izborio sa svim rizicima.Stigao sam sinoc u Svrljig negde oko 20:30h a utovar je najavljen za danas u jutarnjim casovima, tako da sam parkirao na TIR parking (parking za teretna vozila) koji se nalazi u sklopu jednog cuvenog ugostiteljskog objekta,poznatog za ovaj kraj a to je motel "Kapija Svrljiga", ciji sam redovan gost.Kada se pravi odmor ili pauza, vozaci teretnih vozila uvek planiraju parkiranje na mestima gde bi imali neke osnovne uslove kao sto su siguran parking koji je osvetljen, ponegde i sa video nadzorom, wc, tuš, neki restoran ili market gde se moze kupiti nesto od hrane.Posto sam se usput nasao sa kolegom iz moje firme koji ima isto mesto utovara, dosli smo zajedno.Ta kombinacija je super ispala jer u drustvu je uvek i bolje i sigurnije, pogotovo u nasem slucaju gde se uglavnom mi kamiondzije "drzimo" zajedno kao jedna porodica i tako i funkcionisemo.Kada smo se bezbedno parkirali posetili smo restoran pomenutog motela gde smo lepo i kvalitetno veceerali.Arrival in Svrljig was great considering the weather changes which made the trip a bit more difficult. There was a lot of snow and the road conditions were a bit difficult, which is a much higher risk when driving a truck than a passenger. But the experience behind the wheel of a truck I dealt with all the risks. I arrived in Svrljig last night around 20:30 and loading was announced for today in the morning, so I parked at the TIR parking lot (truck parking) which is part of a famous restaurant, known for this area and it is the motel "Kapija Svrljiga", whose regular guest I am. When taking a break or break, truck drivers always plan to park in places where they would have some basic conditions such as secure parking that is lit, sometimes with video surveillance, toilet, shower, a restaurant or market where you can buy some food. Since I met a colleague from my company who has the same place of loading, we came together. In fact, it is always better and safer, especially in our case where we truckers mostly "stick" together as one family and that's how we function. When we parked safely, we visited the restaurant of the motel where we had a nice and quality dinner.


Laku nocGood night
Posle vecere sam otisao na tusiranje, jer mi je higijena jača strana i uvek ce tako i biti, pa nakon toga priprema za spavanje i neizbezan odmor.
Alarm na mobilnom telefonu namesten na 06:30h, budim se, pomeram zavese kabine, prelepo snezno jutro i dosta hladno jer je ovo predeo Svrljiskih planina, kuva se prva jutarnja kafica u kamionu. Zovem kolegu u moj kamion i pijemo zajedno kafu.Posto smo bili najavljeni, firma Min Div iz Svrljiga ima nase podatke i brojeve telefona tako da nam upucuju telefonski poziv i obavestavaju da mozemo da dodjemo na utovar. Inace mesto utovara se nalazi veoma blizu na nekih 2km od parkinga na kom smo nocili. Lagano pripremamo kamione i krecemo put mesta utovara. Zabelezio sam kamerom izlazak iz parkinga motela (slika ispod).
After dinner, I went to take a shower, because hygiene is my strong suit and it will always be so, so after that I prepare for sleep and the inevitable rest.
Alarm on my mobile phone set at 06:30, I wake up, move the cabin curtains, a beautiful snowy morning and quite cold because this is the landscape of the Svrljig Mountains, the first morning coffee in the truck is being cooked. I call a colleague in my truck and we drink coffee together. were announced, the company Min Div from Svrljig has our data and phone numbers so they send us a phone call and inform us that we can come for loading. Otherwise, the place of loading is very close to some 2km from the parking lot where we spent the night. we set off on the way to the place of loading. I noticed the camera leaving the motel parking lot (picture below).


Min Div, utovarMin Div,loading
Dolazimo u Min Div i pratimo proceduru utovara kako pravila nalazu. Sledeca slika je ulazna kapija za teretna vozila i to je jedino sto sam mogao da zabelezim, jer je snimanje i slikanje u krugu fabrike strogo zabranjeno.We arrive in Min Div and follow the loading procedure as the rules find. The next picture is the entrance gate for trucks and that is the only thing I could notice, because filming and painting in the factory area is strictly forbidden.


Znacaj robeSignificance of goods
Fabrika "Min Div" Svrljig, se bavi izradom betonske galanterije. Roba koja je danas utovarena su betonski pragovi koji se koriste kao podloga za postavljanje i montažu železnickih šina.Kao članica Evropske Unije, Bugarska dobija kompletno novu infrastrukturu železnice a materijal za taj projekat se nabavlja i uvozi upravo iz Srbije.
Uglavnom, utovar je protekao bez problema,tacno onako po planu. Po zavrsetku utovara, pakuje se kamion, zatvara cerada i provlaci carinska sigurnosna sajla. Parkiram na plato i cekam transportne papire, a to je otpremnica ili faktura i propratna dokumentacija koja je spremna i sortirana za odredjenu špeditersku agenciju koja vrši dalje pripreme papirologije i predaje carini.Carina zavrsava izvozno carinjenje robe, pregleda tovar i blombira carinsku sajlu na prikolici kamiona. To je procedura koja nas ceka u nastavku dana. Carina se obavlja u Nišu na carinskom terminalu i to je sledeća destinacija na koju idemo.Medjutim, posto vreme dozvoljava, posle utovara se prvo svraća u navedeni restoran motela na jedan lep ručak i mali predah posle utovara. Naravno prvo kafica pa hrana.
The factory "Min Div" Svrljig, is engaged in the production of concrete accessories. The goods loaded today are concrete sleepers used as a basis for laying and assembling railway tracks. procures and imports from Serbia.
Basically, the loading went without problems, exactly as planned. At the end of the loading, the truck is packed, the tarpaulin is closed and the customs security cable is pulled. is ready and sorted for a certain freight forwarding agency that prepares further paperwork and hands it over to customs. Customs completes export customs clearance of goods, inspects cargo and seals the customs cable on the truck trailer. terminal and that is the next destination we are going to. However, since time allows, after loading, he first stops at the motel restaurant for a nice lunch and a short break after loading. Of course, first a cafe and then food.




Eto malo slika ambijenta ovog prelepog restorana. Preporucio bih ga od srca. Hrana je vrhunska a cene pristupacne, a na meniju se mogu naći jela koja se retko gde prave jer su to neke stare recepture koje se polako gase iz Srpske tradicionalne kuhinje što je po meni velika šteta jer je naša kuhinja kvalitetna i raznovrsna. Baš eto hoću ibmalo da ispromovišem kuhinju ovog restorana. Ono što sam ja izabrao za obrok je nesto kao doručak-ručak za mene jer sad kad jedem ko zna kad ću stići kasnije u toku dana opet.Here are a few pictures of the ambience of this beautiful restaurant. I would recommend it from the bottom of my heart. The food is excellent and the prices are affordable, you can find dishes on the menu that are rarely made because these are some old recipes because our cuisine is high quality and diverse. I just want to promote the cuisine of this restaurant. What I chose for the meal is something like breakfast and lunch for me because now that I eat who knows when I will arrive later in the day again.


U nastavkuIn continuation
Jagnjeća čorba u tradicionalnoj zemljanoj posudiLamb soup in a traditional earthenware dish


Dodatnu na stoluExtra on the table
Jagnjeća sarmica u maramici i salata od kiselog kupusa i sve to sa domaćim lepinjama svežim i još toplim.Lamb sarmica in a handkerchief and sauerkraut salad, all with homemade buns fresh and still warm.


Carinski terminalCustoms terminal
Nakon ovako dobre hrane čoveku ništa drugo ne preostaje nego da prilegne. Ali ništa od toga, idemo dalje u nove radne pobede. Krećemo lagano prema Nišu na carinski terminal gde cemo da odradimo izvozno carinjenje robe. Kamion je parkiran, dokumentacija spremna i složena. Odnosimo papire u špeditersku agenciju koja obavlja sve što treba da roba bude spremna za izvoz.After such good food, there is nothing left for a man to do but lie down. But none of that, let's move on to new work victories.We are moving slowly towards Nis to the customs terminal, where we will do the export customs clearance of the goods. The truck is parked, the documentation is ready and complex.
Šetnja gradomA walk through the city
Carinski papiri su gotovi i sve je obavljeno sto treba na carinskom terminalu. Sada je vreme za odmor i slobodne aktivnosti do sutrasnjeg polaska na put prema Bugarskoj.Posto se nalazimo u prelepom gradu Nišu, u kom itekako ima šta da se vidi i gde da se prošeta, ići ćemo malo u obilazak i kasnije i do nekog restorana ili kafića da popijemo neku lepu kaficu i mozda nešto i večeramo. Niš je prelep i ujedno najveći grad na jugu Srbije. Ima veoma bogatu istoriju. Za vreme Rimskog carstva,na mestu gde je sada Niš, nalazio se antički grad po nazivu Nais.U njemu je rodjen čuveni Rimski car Konstantin Veliki. Njegov geografski položaj je u to vreme a i kasnije bio veoma značajan za mnoga tadašnja carstva pa su se vodile ozbiljne bitke za prevlast. S toga je postao kako vojni, tako i trgovački centar tog doba i bio privlačan mnogim osvajačima zbog toga.Smenjivali su se tu Iliri, Tračani, Kelti, Rimljani, Osmqnlije itd. Neću da ulazim duboko u istoriju jer to svakako sve ima danas na internetu pa može da se nadje i pročita koga zanima.Ovo je ukratko ono što ja znam i dovoljno za kratki uvod o gradu a dq ne pobije moju temu o kojoj pišem.Customs papers are ready and everything is done as needed at the customs terminal. Now is the time for rest and free activities until tomorrow's departure for Bulgaria. We are often in the beautiful city of Nis, where there is much to see and where to go. walk, we will go on a tour and later to a restaurant or cafe to have a nice cafe and maybe have dinner. Nis is beautiful and also the largest city in southern Serbia. It has a very rich history. During the Roman Empire, in a place where is now Nis, there was an ancient city called Nais. The famous Roman emperor Constantine the Great was born in it. It became both a military and a trade center of that time and was attractive to many conquerors because of that. Illyrians, Thracians, Celts, Romans, Osmqnlije, etc. took turns. se n come and read whoever is interested. This is briefly what I know and enough for a short introduction about the city and dq does not refute my topic I am writing about.









Kraj danaEnd of the day
Na kraju napornog dana i puno radnih obaveza,priusten je i jedan odušak prelepom šetnjom, kaficom u lokalnom Niškom caffe baru i veverom u fast food-u.Vreme je za spavanje definitivno.Povratak iz grada na parking carinskog terminala gde verno čeka moja drumska krstarica u kojoj vebasto grejanje radi uveliko. Spremam se za krevet u toploj kabini kamiona, pustam film na lap-topu, gledam ali polako tonem u san.At the end of a hard day and a lot of work obligations, one can breathe a sigh of relief with a beautiful walk, a cafe in the local Nis cafe and a fast food restaurant. It's definitely time to sleep. Return from the city to the customs terminal parking lot in which web heating works a lot..I'm getting ready for bed in the warm cabin of a truck, playing a movie on a laptop, watching but slowly falling asleep.

Toliko za danas moji Hiveri!So much for my Hevers today!
Sutra dalji sled dogadja, novi dan i nova avantura na putu za Bugarsku. Zelim svima prijatno veče!

Pozdrav od Vlade
Tomorrow is a further sequence of events, a new day and a new adventure on the way to Bulgaria. I wish everyone a pleasant evening!

Greetings from Vlada

Drug moj, post ti je fantastičan !

Stvarno, prelepe slike, veoma dobro i lepo objašnjeno sve, ceo boravak, put, stvarno, extra.

Nadamo se još mnogim takvim postovima, da upoznamo i mi malo neke nove puteve i doživljaje.

Puno pozdrava.

Hvala na podrsci,drug...pozdrav

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