Banana Program Week 2: Funny and Exciting

in #bananaprogram7 years ago (edited)

here. Good night friend Steemian, good night Partiko lovers. Today I tried to follow the challenge held by @stellabelle about the Banana Program for the 2nd week, can read the post

Regulations follow Banana Program 2nd week:

(1). Download via the Partiko application


(2). Visit 8 new Steemian posts:

(3). Make smartphone creations from bananas and take selfies:




(4). Make a video with banana phone, calling for long lost friend. I called my old friend named @aishatigerlady:

Congratulations to watch the Banana Program video from me @santiintan, hopefully my friend Steemian and friend Partiko will be entertained. Thank you @stellabelle, I feel happy and entertained with this Banana Program.

Posted using Partiko Android


hahaha,,, mantap,, keren dan fantastis..
semoga beruntung @santiintan


Ngga pede saya, videonya ancur & ugly hehehe

Btw terima kasih @nekmudagroh 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

seandainya kamera atau di videoin dari jarak jauh sedikit lagi, mungkin kayak acara di TV-TV 🙄😁😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Kayak di tv gmn maksudnya @nekmudagroh ? Saya kurang paham 😁

Wkwkwkwkw aku malu liatnya,,,tp keren...


Saya jg malu @anitacarolina nonton diri sendiri, ngoceh sendiri, pakai pisang, kayak carzy people 🙈😁😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Mau ikutan ah, ntar nyari pisang dulu...

Cepetan pak @rachmatsolihin , udah mau habis waktunya tinggal beberapa jam lagi , 🍌pisang banyak di tukang buah di Bogor 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Mana ekspresinya...... Cut cut😀😀


Kayak iklan aja @agusiki 👌😊

ini lagi nelpon bos @partiko.. agar bisa dimenangkan... hehehehe


Mantap banget nih bang @catataniranda bisa punya kenalan boss @partiko 😎😁😁

Btw Amiin YRA 🙏😊

Terima kasih mbak @dwiitavita

Sayang mbak Dwi ngga ikutan , saya pengen lihat video 🍌nya 😁

Saya orangnya malu2in mbak jadi g ikutan 🤣🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Banana program Minggu ke 3 ikutan yuk mbak @dwiitavita 😁

InsyaAllah mbak, kl Sy pas kerja diluar bisa beli pisang cz kl sudah masuk rumah g Ada kesempatan buat keluar 😭😭

Posted using Partiko Android

Lololololololol nice job! Congratulations on completing the second week of banana program! I could not hear the sound in your video? I upvote you anyway...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Never mind I had my volume turned down, sorry

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you @stellabelle

I'm waiting for the next banana contest program from you, hopefully I can follow the next banana program challenge

I'm sorry, when I was making a video, I forgot to increase the volume of my smartphone 📲😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

LOL 🍌🍌🍌👩‍🚀😎😂😂

bagus sekali,salam kenak mbak santinintan

Terima kasih @bergek123

Salam kenal kembali dari Bogor 🙂

Terima kasih jg sudah di resteem 🙏

i don't understand the language but i'm glad you decided to make a video! 😄
looking forward to seeing more soon!

Thank you for stopping by in my post @roundbeargames

I was pretending to call an old friend who lost my contact number and I asked about his activities and activities, I also invited my old friend to join the banana program from @stellabelle

I made a video assisted by my husband @syarrf because I didn't know how to send a video in steemit

I speak Indonesian because my ability to speak English is very bad

I will learn English if there is time and opportunity