How Legally Corrupted Governments Secretly Bail Out Failed Corporations they actually Owned and ROB the People right under their noses.

in #bailout6 years ago

Today's Topic: How Legally Corrupted Governments Secretly Bail Out Failed Corporations they actually Owned and ROB the People right under their noses.

What is a Bail Out?
Bail outs are when big corporations failed, loaded with unpayable debts (or Bonds due for maturity) and the governments use taxpayers money to buy them out.

Recently, there are many reports of many corporations that are overvalued, their stocks probed up by massive stimulus programs (meaning governments print as much money they like backed by nothing) that provides cheap money to these corporations to buy up their stocks prices. This is perfectly legal corruption by the way.

The world economy has been shrinking since 2015, and we are overdue to a massive crash in modern history as the world spends 3 times more than they produced, made possible by the global debt based ponzi central fiat currency system.

Many corporations are dying, some in fact already walking dead, as their business shrinks and failed, but being kept alive by taxpayers money bail out because these governments secretly also owns them.

When business shrinks, oil demand, energy demand, raw materials, all goes under. To keep fake growth growing, legally corrupted governments can continue hide their huge debts by engaging more and more mega projects to keep the dirt hidden in their books.

The populous are not aware, because none of them received compulsory financial education in schools, ends up paying for all these debts accumulated by their legally corrupted governments, as inflation, hyper inflation, increase in taxes, every damned thing becomes more expensive, including food, petrol, water, electricity, conservancy charges, baby milk powder, tampons, medicines, dental, compulsory insurance schemes, etc.

So if you cannot read between the lines, you are already fucked and continued to get fucked usually by the same people you elect and trust.

Thank you.

David Lim. Revelations. 29 May 2018.


Interesting post, the next crash will be worse than the one in 2008