Stop the Privatization of Bagby Hot Springs

in #bagby3 years ago

Bagby Hot Springs operating permit is at risk of being given to private, out of state, for profit companies. Please support the work by the non profit Bagby Conservation Collective and keep this Cascadia treasure a part of the commons.

Bagby Conservation Collective is excited to announce the launch of our GoFundMe campaign.

Bringing our story to this new platform will help us to spread our message far and wide. The Bagby community members are not the only ones who have something at stake here. If we don’t take a stand against the privatization of Bagby, what will be next? Allowing development to take place in our National Forests is a terrifying precedent to set, and will make further developments that much more attractive.

It is time to draw a line, and to make the sanctity and accessibility of this most precious natural resource a priority.

Bagby is YOUR place, and it needs defending.

On our GoFundMe site you will find a longer exposition on the current state of affairs, our intentions, and goals.

We encourage you to check out

Come show your support for this once in a lifetime opportunity to save Bagby from development.

Please share this message and this post far and wide. Scream it from the mountain tops. Tell strangers on the train. Tell people you have already told, and then tell them again.

The time for action is NOW.

We are stronger together!