, Elks Club Elks Club it's Sleepy Hill Memorial Highway I say to you blessings thank you for the fine finest finest ceremony I have ever attended in the name Dorothy. Jones smart Drew God bless you, LOL oh LOL oh salute the Elks a hoe how is sieving wicke

in #back8 years ago

no don't violate them know don't file a you must never violate my child singing a singing innocent Austin's to me you would guess a crate them you would liberate in this way set them free warning triple Washburn triple Washburn triple Washburn point point point point at the Cardinals coin at the Pope point at the king and bring them some smoke he pulls in it ABC bits on the B spits on the B yo he spits does he first time I ever did spit on a store and spitting and spitting now I'm spitting some more he's passing through water wars check it and see seeking to lure some in see candle or seeking to lure seeking discover their sin well I done been tested this morning again I'd barely quit smiling from break fast hibiscus taste good don't you know iguanas like me we grow grow grow grow let her grow let it grow let it grow she said let the dogs grow let the dogs grow was ringing his head oh he blessed them he cursed one to prove it was true the sign of the Serpent's to the walrus to you straight through the heart fangs with two holes not baptized myself before you and yes she was named at Lake Lure The Story Goes the water was Dripping and he was pissing piss and pleasures and blessings all to the left straight from the rear started blasting over my shoulder The Walrus of white his face fat and clear he rebuked me he said what are you doing I said I'm baptizing my yes you would name true to myself it never will change he said that's the illegal it illegal here the rest of the story swear to God will appear oh my claws were sharpened God did they grass for hearts I'm taking no less Hearts I squeeze contractions these all over the Earth falling dead like fleas from God dog he said I'm calling God dogs right now I said I dare you bring them I shook my left index in his face he said don't Point your finger at me so I gave him the serpent of twins what I bind on Earth is bound in heaven heaven and I agree the serpent staff the treet

Best Twin Oak old old Twin Oaks Maximilian Maximilian Lane Aaron place Jessie showing green lights ahead burntshirt Vineyards keeper fit adjust the trim just getting started thinking Eveready Eveready you 20 man twisted pass free born passing the Rusty Bucket oh God I curse Fruitland Baptist College accursed my bloody neck dripping Camp Judea my bloody neck my head's insane Twisted dreads Twisted dread pirate John I name between 11:11 n11 one three 1000 hearts a second he Pierces laughingly a tip or two just one paw the pause endlessly I bless your death I curse your birth no history with me find to wash you in my blood but now you're bursting floods gurgling gurgle bubble level gurgle gurgle his story blur steam Starry Starry blood the skies all worship me who wants to wash my feet I'll wash them myself I'll watch him in blood Whispering serpent Lee see () 20170725_032842.jpg 15009926142429895263.jpg

Red lights flashing fans blowing the wizard full wise art knowing, I watered the ground with my seated tears grew a poison apple been growing a million years love death so much plan it in groves planted in groves poison apples indeed planted in groves the twins said he circling Guerneville Pilot Mountain Road circling Guerneville pirate Mountain Pilot Mountain pirate pirate pirate Cara buka Cara buka Wild Rose I say Wild Rose Wild Rose Firehouse Road Firehouse Firehouse sudden burning, the blisters were biting the tips of his tongues oh God they finally think him they think the Fire Dog they think on this one buys them is morning offering 331 331 team What a fine unit you are 15 since your captain regards Camp Judy Layne I do Camp Judy Layne I'm coming to you Jerusalem I'm coming clear I'm coming. I'm coming home lovely land lovely land great view of Candyland blessings I'm coming home Poppit Rhea's coming home Point Hub at Fusion salon Fusion Sail on Sail on Sail on you'll never be gone show you Vision next the wizard got squared and Cornwallis Lane passing Saint Marys Drive at Hendersonville he went insane and cry renewed he cried it Howard Gap Cross Road he turned back around he saw the 10 500 the serpent she whistled from Fireman and said come back brother I know you I'll be right in number 15 yes the Wolfchase it started he smiled and he winked he think Denny things Denny think Denny things oh what a blessing be thinking of me Yeshua Yeshua Yeshua Tennessee Rock Church on this rock I build my church and the gates of hell not standing God knows I love my Hercules soul the soul on my rear Hines Foursquare. Deliver the Hercules tear Golden Bear on time I can care no less for filthy lucre you see prepare an acceptable offering your heart your heart your Golden Heart Is All I See 999 gleaming back at me triple 9 9 9 triple 9 9 9 triple triple triple La Tienda Kia Indian warrior Springs spring Springs Golden Warrior Eagle to his feet sermon to deliver cryptic cryptic cryptic speech god dog god damn you he shouted into hell God damn got the augen a song he knew so well God damn God damn you not today not edneyville I think you I think you I kiss the serpent staff Coca-Cola KC KC KC saying you're the Master P God bless you huge twisted they histon like me and suffered abuse you can call him snaggletooth but he sounds and sounds his instrument he smiles into the air he lives his life before them like me seldom the care we just keep on I said I love you I said I bless you your shoe ass name so scared of me so scared of my blessings Devil's trendabl in fear the turtle slowly reappears matisa they call me Golden Warrior mixed blood Queen double eagle flying flying flying in love woke up this morning jumpstart to the Bells God how I I hear the cause 06 black they're calling me patches princes for baby girls black as the night love and the girls once squirrely attention attention focused on me living squirrel living squirrel soon soon soon I shall see look at you smiling you're barfing in barking little squirrel jump down jump down jump down my family tree and up all you like Ripper if you can forsake and Friends God all directions Jesus saves on my left rear firing volleys volleys Star Dry co-starred Rocco star dracco rise star tracker they don't believe hijacker they don't receive hijacker hijacker they're teaching in school Black Knight 27 Black Knight 2727 Black Knight come in North Church you say North Church I say North Church Street you've got no way hot water never looked so good icy hot water never felt like today, 1127 Rising 1127 left to stay home stay home zzz to the right I'm parking at home can't wait to see John John Baptist fiddle so distressed Twin Towers Twin Towers sweet sweet whisper she fiddles red she fiddles endlessly green laser looking at you dogs looking at you evil wizards looking at you witches and warlocks warlocks warlocks warlocks nonis heated never wanted the keys the keys I take with me the scent of his fasting so sweet indeed 10 gallon black hat wizard these I thinking I'm thinking thanking listening in thank you for showing perfect timing signs again upload commence dot-dot-dot uploading downloading check check just check check uno dos tre last year Dark Knight welcome the battle welcome to wrestling wrestling wrestling all alone Twisted prepared prepared to warn you once again again no powers formed by man shall prosper, baptize myself once again Yeshua name Yeshua Yeshua twins endless the same sweet golden shower washing my feet steem Vapors Hewitt feel the heat and she last rip and tear my golden shower shower shower shower they only weep when the bridegroom saway sack cloth and Ashes ashes ashes I wash way takes just a second in a gasoline instant never again my family pray in sackcloth and Ashes no not I say button the Levi's but in there tight Butner wants just button her right Elijah calling Elijah Elijah again you'll see the fire you'll see your end Jerusalem please Fortress try to keep me out witness Witness try to keep me out I'm ready to leave I'm overflowing I'm coming home I never knowing feeling much better relaxed I send you a photo of just what's on my mind the native image matisa me, so cast my canines Leo Leopard Leah 15009928140461314582102.jpg 15009950148112057910320.jpg 1500997224367-655146180.jpg