1940 - 1950
- 1940 - First pinless diaper by Joseph LaKritz, he invented this diaper due to a friend's baby choking on a diaper pin! His diaper closure however never got as popular as another to follow...
- 1942 - The Hourglass shaped diaper came, this was also a start for a more fitting diaper, but the flat was still more popular.
- 1946 (Mark this one) - Dr. Spock wrote a book "Baby and Childcare", this changed the entire way parents approached potty-training. It became acceptable for parents to delay potty-training to 24-36 months of age! Before this children were potty-trained between 12-18 months.
- 1947 - To our horror the modern disposable diaper, Paddi came in patented by Valerie Gordon! Even though is was not much parents believed it was a great invention, freeing women from their washing-duties. Even the disposables then were fastened with safety pins.
- Before Pampers it was CHUX