Know your worth

in #awareness5 years ago

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This article is based on the one below, "Know your self".

As you get to know yourself, with time you will start realising your own worth. You will build strength in character and learn to love yourself, truly love yourself.

As you learn to know yourself you will no longer allow the external to rule your actions and behaviour. Look, at the end of the day, we are still human and will slip up sometimes and allow the external to affect us, which is normal. Don't be too hard on yourself.

You are not a machine, but the important part is, as long as you are watching yourself and keep building on the person you are, and being totally honest and transparent as far as your ego is concerned, even when situations arise, you will learn to deal with them in a more conscious way, instead of being reactive.

When you know your own worth, you will no longer settle for bad behaviour from others or yourself. You will stop accepting abusive relationships in which others treat you in a way you don't deserve.

You will learn to say NO when you need to and set limits where you weren't able to before. You will be able to see when someone is taking advantage of you and you will no longer stand for it. You will accept ONLY THE BEST for yourself.

KNOW YOUR WORTH and be the best you possible.
Love and light.