Some quotes from the Daily Caller Article more to read with video and share.
"Democratic congressional aides made unauthorized access to a House server 5,400 times and funneled “massive” amounts of data off of it. But there’s nothing to see here, Democrats told The Washington Post: They were just storing and then re-downloading homework assignments for Imran Awan’s elementary-school aged kids and family pictures.
A congressional source with direct knowledge of the incident contradicted the Post’s account, saying that now-indicted IT aide Imran Awan and his associates “were moving terabytes off-site so they could quote ‘work on the files'” and that they desperately tried to hide what was on the server when caught, providing police with what law enforcement immediately recognized as falsified evidence and an indication of criminal intent."
Imran Awan doing the Illuminati Pyramid symbolism is one evil SOB POS.
Please read this link to watch for the Illuminati Symbolism, not just the gestures, look for the pyramids, eye of Ra, etc.
Video by The Black Child: Hand in Hand: ILLUMINATi Hollywood raise money for CHARITY??/ Hurricane Harvey-IRMA (Agenda 21?
HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed
Please read and/or watch the video and share with other links about the Awan Brothers and Andre Taggart.
3 Women Allege Abuse by Ex-Democrat IT Aide Imran Awan, needs to be locked up big time
Try bashing Trump more, I think that will save us!
Trump is another Illuminati puppet doing the bidding of the Illuminati, Rothschild Bankers that I explained to you, question is will you listen and do your own homework? It's not necessarily just one thing, it's more than that's it's the whole network of spy-rings, ratlines, who answer to the Illuminati, Bankers, etc. It's the root of the problem, not just focusing on this and that, it's the thinking of what it leads to. Evil cannot defeat evil, makes it stronger leading to further chaos and destruction. Take a good look around and see the downfall of religion and Christendom with rise of Secularism, and anything Anti-Christian is promoted by the powers that shouldn't be. Beware of the rise of National Socialism that is happening already, who promote paganism, Darwinism, racism, and eugenics. Which, leads to another World War with the same players, just different methods of execution, look at the Georgia Guidestones, maintaining population at 500 million, plus the propaganda seen in movies and tv it's all predictive programming. Only way to defeat evil is to first get to reexamine ourselves, in other words get ourselves right in the spirituality department, get right with God and turn away from other evil and sin each of us has done. Once you do that and maintain that, then you can start the process with defeating evil, heard of spiritual warfare?