Was all so serious till the last line then I chuckle. You never lost me. I lost it. All by myself. Means I still got it. The enigmatic conundrum still resides within. On a more serious note. This will most likely be your most epic 5cent ramblings yet. It's already got me buzzin. While I have u here. Just like to let you know the earth is still here for you later. Only a few hours now days. Not like it once was your tomorrow. Ur closer to the pulse. Now if that shit don't confuse everyone no ramblings will ever suffice.
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😂 I went hunting yesterday and no luck, the cows were not where they were supposed to be. I had just started on my post when you chimed in here, good to know it's buzzworthy..Yes, everyone will be confused as can be about the proximity to the pulse and the lost not lost, seriously never serious undertones but that's how we vibe init bro? I'll pop in a bit later on the free 2 chat platform where we began this insanity a few years ago. Hard to believe it's been that long and here I am nearer to the pulse..
Posted using Partiko Android
Sure thing. See u round like a record catchu on the flipside.