Bitcoin..altcoins .. decentralization..DeFi ... NFTLs ..
It all started with the malfunctions of traditional central systems. The use of information collected in a center as a means of manipulation, the easy stealing of personal data, and the loss of individuals and other reasons have brought us to where we are today.
Of course, none of these were preferred; all emerged as a result of necessity. Traditional systems do not have the technical equipment to carry us in the future. In addition to these flaws, the system's openness to internal interventions, manipulation and speculation has also sparked the search for a new solution.
Blockchain technology has shown that creating smart contracts, trade, information, and value can be transferred. There is no longer any need for third parties or intermediaries. The most important reflection of this has been in financial life. Because it was possible to obtain financing without permission, geographical and political barriers fell to the secondary plan. They can raise funds as they want to do a project in any geography of the world. Complex procedures, various permissions, and approvals are not required for this. The parties carry out the transactions within the framework agreed beforehand. All these studies form the basis of decentralized financial transactions. DeFi projects, which are very popular today
we call it.
Since almost all DeFi projects are built on Ethereum, transaction fees have increased enormously. At the same time, the execution times of the transactions started to get longer.
A new partnership announced these days makes people very excited. It seems that the collaboration of Poliyent Games and Avalanche will be the solution to the problems of speed, scalability, and flexibility. It can be produced using the Avalanche network because of all kinds of decentralized products and DeFi applications. One of the main reasons why Poliyent Games project chose Avalanche network.
So who are Poliyent Games? First of all, if we answer this question, the subject is much easier to understand. We can understand the strategic value of Poliyent Games and Avalanche partnership. Poliyent Games is a blockchain-based NFT (Non-Fungible Token) game platform. It a leader. As it is known, non-exchangeable tokens (NFT) known, these tokens cannot be exchanged with each other, and there is only one of them on earth. It was also mentioned that smart contract standards ERC-721 and ERC-1155, explicitly designed for NFT, have been introduced to enable trading these tokens between ecosystems.
NFTs are also used outside of the game industry. A painter or musician can sell each copy of his work for a separate price. Each of these can be offered for sale on the blockchain chain as NFT tokens.
These tokens are accepted as ERC-721 standard; These are tokens that people can set their properties individually. These tokens used for items in games are safe, as they cannot be copied or stolen.
I believe this partnership will be very beneficial for both platforms. The structure, which will be built on the Avalanche ecosystem, will be a virtual decentralized trade gateway for NFT trade. Caused the open-source platform Avalanche to partner with Avalab's to create an NFT decentralized exchange center (DEX). This partnership will also develop decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.
Usefull Links
Belge: https: //docs.avax .network /
Youtube: / c / AVALabsofficial