in #automatic6 years ago

Whatever we create in the world, we also create that within ourselves. How we act and react with others in the world is the expression of our nature, or character. As we refine our character to adhere to our own personal moral, ethical, legal, noble and idealistic standards, we redefine our love and appreciation of our self. In refining our love for ourselves, we also create the ability to love outside of ourselves, unconditionally. It is the expression of unconditional love emanating from everyone on the planet that will change the energy to allow us to create a global community that benefits all. A global state of universal, unconditional love is exactly what the influence from the planets in our solar system and the stars in our galaxy are urging us towards. Each of us is a participant. Each of us has meaning and significance. In contributing to others we are able to reap our own greatest harvests. Isn’t that beautiful?? The more we give to the betterment of other’s, our own betterment is fully enacted. Here’s the hot part: the rewards for our labors are whatever we want them to be.
Performing the gesture of sincere gratitude is a tool you can now use to prosper. Every day you can improve in your skill of identifying and advantageously using the most important conditions and situations that happen in your life. You must remember to use the tools as often as possible. Using the tools and making the adjustments in your thinking content and processes will produce the most spectacular effects to happen in your life