Enjoy. The research lab I work in receives Cell every month, so I make sure to peruse the journal from time to time. You never know what is going to come about!
Enjoy. The research lab I work in receives Cell every month, so I make sure to peruse the journal from time to time. You never know what is going to come about!
Thank you so much! I'll take a look at that now
Numerous childhood vaccines on the standard immunization schedule (MMR, DTaP-IPV, Hib, Hep A/Hep B, Varicella) are laced with human diploid cell residue (aborted fetal tissue): ‘Some vaccines—rubella, HepA, RAB-HDC, VAR, ZOS, and one form of IPV (the Poliovax contained in Pentacel)—are grown in cultured human embryo fibroblast cell lines (WI-38 or MRC-5).’
‘It is estimated that about 5 to 30% of the world’s cell lines are contaminated with mycoplasmas. Mycoplasmal contamination influences almost every parameter within the cell culture system…Mycoplasmal infection of cell cultures might often linger for an extended period of time without noticeable cell damage.
Cell Journal
Percentage of chronic illness patients where mycoplasma is found: •Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 50% •Fibromyalgia: 60% •Lyme Disease: 65% •Multiple Sclerosis: 50-60% •Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): 60-70% •Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): 45% •Lou Gherig’s Disease (ALS): 85-90% •Gulf War Illness (GWI): 40% •Other “autoimmune” conditions: about 30%.’ Katherine M. Poehlmann, PhD
You've made a massive leap there and have failed to connect human diploid cell residue (if it's fetal, it's kinda gotta be aborted right? They aren't taking it from live fetuses) and mycoplasmas.
Also, a PowerPoint presentation is not a published paper, bloody hell I'm repeating myself here. I'm done.
The burden of proof is on you sir, and you're failing to convince me. Isn't that your mission? To convince the world that they're wrong and you're right? You need to step your game up