Is their a Rise of Hate in the Western World?? or am I wrong>

in #australia8 years ago

Over the last few months there has been a rise is racism, sexism and nea?ly all other forms of hate against humans in the Western countries of the world.

The nomination of a sexist and hateful Donald Trump for the republican candidate in USA. The Brexit and the of electing a new Prime Minister who has voted against internet freedom in the UK. And now Australian's electing a party that are against equal rights and TV 'so called' stars speaking about banning wanting a ban on Muslims.

I am genuinely worried and fearful of what sort of future we will create for ourselves if this continues.

Or am I being over the top?


You're not wrong. It's pretty obvious what's going on, and you should definitely be concerned. Fortunately, it's mostly the older people - who have lived through the Cold War. Their paranoia is resurfacing.

A vast number of younger people completely realise how hate can only lead to war. Hence, you also see many protests for peace. The UK may have voted for Brexit, but you also see millions of people - especially under 35 - march in support of Jeremy Corbyn and against Trident etc. In fact, if you look at Brexit stats, the young people voted 70% or more against. It's the older people who swung the vote.

I agree I think things will improve when the younger generation's vote is the majority.

Of course it does. Immigration was a key part of the Pro-Brexit campaigns by Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson. It's not hate, technically, but certainly xenophobic. There are plenty of Pro-Brexit votes who speak like Sonia Kruger in that video.

The pro-Brexit campaign succeeded because of their fearmongering.

No you're right to be afraid...I live in the USA and it's not fun in fact I'm trying to get my family the hell out of here...not a day goes by I don't fear for our safety at least on some level when we go out for the very reason you mentioned above: hate.

I don't know who is voting for these people I always thought it was the last of the baby boomers. But each night I see young supporters on the news of the right wing politicians... :/

I'm learning a lot about my fellow countrymen from this election and just how alive rasicm and sexism is in's right down to the very institution...and it's absolutely appalling I feel so ashamed when I think of how other countries must view us.

I have definitely noticed the growing hate as well, especially on Twitter and YouTube. It's really depressing actually. People are angry because the unsustainable global debt-based economy is failing. Wages are stagnant. There are fewer good jobs due to outsourcing and automation. The rich are getting richer, and the middle class is being wiped out. People need to direct their anger at something, such as Muslim refugees, Latin immigrants, black people, white people, etc. I think they fail to see the root cause of their misfortune - the system itself.

The massive influx of refugees into Europe is worrisome. It takes time to adapt to a new culture. If droves of people with opposing values immigrate, they won't be able to integrate and adopt the values of the countries they are moving into. It's happening way to fast.
I feel like we are in for some massive changes soon, and I'm hopeful that the blockchain will provide a lot of solutions for the new world we are moving into.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

I hadn't thought about it that way.

interesting thanks