
Ahh yes reminds me of the classic song which oddly enough is so apropos.. good old..

This ones for you Twiglet! I want you to know I am roasting a marshmallow over my state of the art fire place right now in memory of you.

You da best!

#twiglet #twigg #twigglivesmatter

Why are you flagging my comments?

i troll cause marky trolls me and i need the attention! Thanks for helping me get moar!

He is a troll (@coininstant) with a few accounts he uses to just flag people because he is mad with life.

I am not mad with life, i’m mad life blocked me from my baby STEEM! lol i was literally here before you!!

You blocked yourself with your insanity and harassment.

markymark is a troll, more sp doesn't make him right!!

He is the troll! I gave u one little flag, you whiner!