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RE: My introduction - A chink in my armour for a glimpse within...

in #australia8 years ago

Hey corkandkerry, thanks for your nice remarks on my first post.

I'm grateful for my brothers' referral to steemit and his insistence that I get on board as he feels I have a lot of value to add through my hobbies and experiences. I'm on Facebook but rarely comment on it and if I do I delete it after only a day or so. I don't see value there but with steemit I have already connected with some great like-minded people.

I see steemit as a place where my experiences may be valued, or not, but somewhere I feel comfortable laying out my opinions and thoughts. Plus, Zuckerberg doesn't get paid from my posts! All the best with your steemit experience from one newb to another.


I think that is the best part. No more middlemen!