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RE: The War On Cash: Australia Considering Chipping Senior's Money To Stop Them From Saving

in #australia7 years ago

Will it be chaos, parliamentarians would like us all to believe it as it is a self serving agenda.

How about this for a possible scenario. Remove the Reserve Bank and go back to the Treasury (as per the constitution) putting the currency into circulation (ie being interest free). Manage the amount of currency that is flowing within the economy. Lets say a bridge or new road needs to built. Allocate money for that project. As the project comes to completion, start removing some currency and burn it up. No taxes required. Then everything earned from providing a product or service goes to you. A direct energy for energy exchange.


Many thanks.Who will - 'Manage the amount of currency that is flowing within the economy' ?

More the point, how. Hey I'm no economist, but I'm sure it would be possible if the mindset was to encourage a collective abundance rather than for the few who make the rules.