I really want to try and speed up the growth of our minnow support group, as well as encourage the Australian community to rally around #teamaustralia, so I just did this ...
1000 SP to @minnowsupport

Come join us in the P.A.L discord chat roomand after introducing yourself and registering you will be able to request upvotes from this account AND its voting trail.
It's now sitting at 21,000 Steem Power and growing fast !
1000 SP to @teamaustralia
on this page .Team Australia is open to all Aussies at home and beyond , @sirknight has done a great job rallying and motivating new users with this initiative. You can see (and follow) all current registered #teamaustralia members
P.A.L discord chat as well as TeamAustralia on steemit.chat .There is a #teamaustralia chat right room within the
1000 SP to @centerlink

@centerlink will currently vote for all registered members of #teamaustralia.
The vote strength will be adjusted as userbase grows , and members posting low quality content or repetitive content will have their access reduced or revoked.
Donations towards this public service to encourage Australian posters would be greatly appreciated.
Perhaps it could be funded with an occasional voluntary 10% GST on posts from teamaustralia members ?
Rewards from this post are being shared 4 ways
All rewards will be powered up
Proof of split
This time it's a 4 way split between myself, @minnowsupport, @centerlink and @teamaustralia -

steemviz / steemvids / steemcap / steemleak / more tools / post index

Love your name.
I was thinking of changing my user name to - Australian Dept of Immigration and Border Protection. What do you think?
I think we should replicate all the major govt departments on steem, then find ways to automate their main functions :P Centerlink will hopefully eventually be delivering payments on time every time
Immigration/Border protection could be teamaustralia membership management and tracking non-members (illegals) using the tag ;)
Lol love this idea. It works so well. Arts, Science, Innovation, defence, finance. So many great Aussie curation trails. Just not the ATO
you're freakin' generous!
I wish we're like this in the NL, too
immi dot gov for short Haha.
@ausbitbank thanks for the support upvoted please guide people to the easiest tutorial i wrote to join minnowsupportproject
Put your money where your mouth is!!!
Great job ausbitbank this will def. encourage and help a lot of minnows out like myself and those of us who are posting content. You know i love this initiative :)
Keep up the great work and see you guys in the discord room!
How does one become a registered member of #teamaustralia to get centerlink payments? 😁
Thank you.
I already added you late last night i believe. Ill do a formal post with all the details soonish :)
Great contribution!, thank you! I should learn to use all this support and push myself up the ladder.
Wow! Thanks for your concern for minnows. That's some serious contribution!
That's huge! You've definitely earned my follow and respect! Well done :)
That is nice.
Great work Adam!! Happy to be part of MSP and to work as an Ambassador for #teamaustralia. Keep up the good work!
This is super initiative. Wish every part of the world does the same! Well done, my friend! :-)
You are a very kind and caring soul @ausitbank - very appreciate amongst our community - a BIG thank you from a tiny fish !
Excellent! Only 1100 more SP and I'll be out of the Minnow bracket! Upvoted & RS's!
Lovely gesture. So are there many other Australians here at the moment?
68 members of #teamaustralia already within a few days :)
Wow that is awesome work:)
Good stuff @ausbitbank. Very generous way of getting these initiatives up & running.
Once again you show the community that you're awesome. - This is great!
(Like The Gif? View The Blog For More) (Free 2 Use)Great job @ausbitbank The community THANKS YOU!
That is so awesome! I have seen a trend of some veterans helping new members. This amazing!
Well done!
Thank you!! You are such an asset to the community. (And thanks for following me, by the way!)
Awesome. Thanks the continued support of us wee newbies.
wirex petitionVery philanthropic of you mate. I just learned of @minnowsupport last night and have made the transfers to register this morning. Still getting my head around how it all works with requesting votes for good content. I think this may be a good way to up the exposure of #teamaustralia's
Thanks again Adam.
wow! community building at its best. way to go @ausbibank 😎
Centrelink. Hehehe. Classic name.
Thanks for this. I will join the chat.
Very generous and great to see minnow support
Thank you
Dude, that is very cool.
Proud to be a founding member and Brit ambassador.
The minnowsupportproject is going amazingly well I spent quite a bit of time in discord now as its a great place to connect.
Thanks for the dedication to the causes buddy.
Ohhh I'm fangirling! Love your work. Cant wait to build to the stage I can recipricote for the next generation of minnows
You are a star!
Great job you are doing. I just signed to Discord. It looks amazing. Thank you.
nice one...thank you a lot for the support....
You're amazing ! Your help is much appreciated by #TeamAustralia By the way I'm not on the list for #teamaustralia. Can you please add me there @ausbitbank.
Done, see @sirknights latest post too :)
Thanks so much @ausbitbank!
You are definitely a STEEMIT legend and MVP Supporter! Sincerely, 🐟
How can the minnows from other countries participate and get upvotes.
The minnow support project is available to all , join here https://discord.gg/KcVwd5B
Hey @ausbitbank, I think it's great that the Australian community on steemit is coming together and I definitely want to be a part of it. I just came across this post by chance and I'm glad I did. Could I be added to the teamaustralia list too?
Sure thing, just checked out your posts and added you to the list :)
list herePAL discord chat .Feel free to reach out and follow others on the #teamaustralia and join the #teamaustralia room in the
@sirknight and I will post a more formal application and review process as the bots power grows, its very early days still
Thanks heaps, I've noticed a big difference already. I just registered to the discord and have started using the tag today.
Thank you for your generosity
Oh wow! You're the best! :]
I like the idea, lets see how it unfolds.
Very new here but being a Pisces absolutely loving the fishy metaphors, minnow, whale...anything else swimming around out here? On a more serious thanks so much for the support @ausbitbank
It's a great effort on your behalf to build teamaustralia for that I thank you. Cheers
Love how many aussies Ive seen on steemit already! :D
You know, some times it takes me a while but then I just, well..... see the true mechanism of what i'm looking at. I find it interesting and some what alluring .
By discarding the perspective of judgement, allows one to draw conclusion, which creates a balanced comprehension of reality .
I love how you're not just writing about helping the community but actually doing it, great!
nice :D I wish I could get 1k more LOL
excellent work, support the aussies! oi oi oi!
Keep the good work
Thanks for sharing
I like your post and I have followed you. I am new here on Steemit, and I just posted my first post. I would be interested in what you think. Of course I would appreciate your upvote goes without saying.Thanks,
That is very generous of you @ausbitbank
Buen post