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RE: Investigating the competition Part 1 πŸ”Ž Mask Network [TLDR: SCAM!]

in #ausbitundercover β€’ 8 years ago (edited)

So you didn't read my post either ?
Forget how the developer of masknetwork reworded it for his post, and read what I actually say.

This is NOT a list of arguments of why I think mask is a scam.

I'm getting annoyed at people misrepresenting the post completely without even reading it.

My scam accusation was entirely because I sent coins to an exchange advertising 10 second trades and nothing happens for a fucking DAY, support requests got ignored and I found lots of evidence of other people in the same situation.

I commented on this thread once my payment finally got processed, it's right at the top of the trending comments right next to the reply button you clicked. Not that you read any of the fucking post.

So the owner went straight from replying here, to pushing through my single payment the exchange manually (and not others), and then posted about it on the site. Takes quotes completely out of context and shows a complete lack of reading comprehension, and the echo chamber votes him up.

This whole thing is a fascinating look at psychology and group-think.

Okay, now thats out of the way .. Your comment

steemit is a scam

Statement of opinion, not an argument ..

100% inflation per year

Read the whitepaper at least, before you start repeating other peoples arguments without understanding the situation at all. Inflation is by design - Steem Power protects you from inflation.

and doesn't let you cash out quickly

You can cash out of Steem and Steem Dollars near instantly with no restrictions via multiple exchanges, debit cards and payment processors supporting it.
I cashed some out in the early days to prove I could, with zero problems.
MarksNetwork has 1 broken exchange, and wont let you transfer coin if you've voted (!?)

Those are what I call solid arguments

I bought mask coin and it processed just fine

You seem to be in the minority

And it has dapps

You can flip a coin, or roll dice - Mind fucking blown. Try and develop something useful with it and get back to me.

I think both claims are BS, just different models.

I don't even understand this.. And I'm struggling to care. Thx for your input shill, go back to marks network.

I've discovered more then enough amateur security fails to never recommend or store money on that site. I'd make a post about it all, but the publicity burst might just take out your shitty network again.

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Sorry, my last line was me saying that steemit is not a scam but nor is mask network. Looks like I misread your writing as well as you have mine. They are just different models trying to approach this task, and we all know competition is unavoidable.

I personally do not like "Inflation is by design" and reading white paper again is not going to make me like it, subjective but very popularly anti inflation. I do not want to locked out from my funds just to avoid inflation. I see no reason to keep steemusd when I can just use some growing cryptocurrency and just trade it for steem when need it and trade right back when done.

As it is right now I don't see myself ever getting steem token due to having to be locked away from it just to avoid insane 100% inflation or having to trade it to steemusd which just stands still in value. And as I explained holding steem hurts me because i can't cash out when other opportunities arise, steemusd doesn't rise in value like tons of other crypto so also not worth holding onto. It makes it a pain to exchange tokens whenever I want to use steemit, and there lies the problem. I hope you understand this viewpoint. I didn't invent this viewpoint, this is the viewpoint I hear non stop. I'm not trying to shill for it or convince you, I'm simply conveying it to you.

I have seen a few people missing their funds from mask, but tons who haven't, so I have no idea what happened or whether it was true at the moment. I purely tested it out, nothing more, weeks later still ok. That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for contributing with your writing.

Thanks for coming back and explaining your viewpoint, I'm sorry I was so defensive - I just had a whole bunch of people attacking me without reading my words both here, in chat and on marksnetwork and kinda snapped :o/

I understand not wanting to be locked away in SP, but thats why we have SBD ..
And I'm actually extremely impressed with its stability, I gave one of my first ever crypto loans with full confidence I would get at least the same usd value back...

I agree though, even with the current 10% interest rate on SBD its still not the most appealing crypto to hold when you consider the opportunity cost of not trading shitcoins on polo that could potentially give a 100%+ return in the same timeframe - but if you're looking for a low risk stable store of value I'm not sure it can be beaten..

On the missing funds - My first time around it took over 24hrs for any response at all to any channel. I finally got the funds to go in, shitposted, tripled my money and immediately tried to pull it back out - no joy for 24hrs again until I contacted again.

Since I'm an idiot, I took 0.01 out of what I received and tried to seed another address - only this time I didn't contact support until almost 48hrs later. Still waiting, and the price has dumped a lot since. Regular users are complaining constantly about the same issues, and I started a thread to try and collect feedback about maskexchange.. Still no mask..

I've also now been downvoted by what I assume is the owner on my threads, and he's upvoting shitty copy pasted threads with no original content instead.. I understand its early days, its all an experiment etc but I have seen nothing yet that would make me want to remove my scam warning or potentially risk people thinking I approve of this..

My current attitude - This is interesting to me, but I think the current implementation is primed for abuse and the exchange situation makes this an exit scam waiting to happen.

Thanks again for coming back and explaining your viewpoint - sorry I was a dick :P