"Why Auroracoin Will Do Great Things for Iceland, and Iceland, The World."

in #auroracoin7 years ago (edited)

       I am a Trader of Crypto-Currenices, and in my recent venture into this wild and exciting world, I came across Aurora Coin, a coin based off the Litecoin Proof of Work Protocol, with multi-Algorithm support. I was surprised. It has great technology that is time-tested going back many years, good development, and a new android lite wallet released two weeks ago, plus a governing board dedicated to its integration in the day to day use in Iceland as an eventual digital currency alternative to the Icelandic krona. Yet it has a tiny market cap. of only 2.6 million USD, a very low price relative to the past, and, seemingly at first, no news of developments within the last year or so!

So I did some digging.... and found that most online English websites were linking to old, no-longer-in-use twitter accounts, and outdated information. It turns out that Sites like Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, and CryptoCompare weren't showing new developments because they had not been updated with the new Official Twitter Account of Aurora Coin, "Auroracoin@officialAUR." They instead linked to "Aurora Coin@coinaurora," or, "auroracoin@auroracoinIS," neither of which have posted the most recent information about the coin's development; specifically Its Android lite wallet released on GooglePlay two weeks ago, nor the recent success of the Pirate Party in gaining 10 seats in a parliament of 63, up from only 3 in the previous election. This is important because The Pirate Party are very Pro-CryptoCurrency, and, with this Party quite likely to gain majority share of the Parliament in the next elections... it makes sense that as a Trader, or anyone interested in Cryptocurrency, you would want this most recent information to help Inform your assessment of Aurora coin's valuation.

This was surprising, at first, but one must remember that those Websites most English Speaking Traders use, are only English sites... and many people outside of Iceland do not speak Icelandic... so the Traders could not read about these recent developments in Aurora Coin unless they did some digging and found the Auroracoin@OfficialAUR Twitter Feed. It was a eureka moment for me; It had made no sense that a clearly good coin with potentially an entire nation adopting it soon as a secondary form of payment, would rank so low In Market Capitalization and Price.

There is a very storied and interesting history to the reason for development of Aurora Coin, and the events in its History. Iceland was the only Nation I can remember that, after the 2008 Financial Crisis, did in fact hold the Groups/bankers and Individuals that engineered the Crisis, Legally Responsible, by jailing them, and, also, refused to pay the fraudulent debt. Nearly all other countries in the world did not do this... which is in part why countries like Greece, Portugal, Spain, And Italy, among many others, never really solved the root cause of the financial Crisis, and to this day remain unable to extricate themselves from a Complex Web of Debt. These countries will never be able to repay this onerous debt which they never really wanted, and, in truth, do not really owe. This is because the profits were privatized and the debt socialized. Since the 2008 Crisis Privately Owned Central Banks in most nations have simply "Bought" the "recovery," through Inflationary Fiat Money Printing. Iceland wisely saved itself from becoming another Argentina, or Greece.

Case in point, The Story of Iceland's AuroraCoin is, in my opinion, the de-facto example of why Non-centralized, Non-inflationary Money like BitCoin, or Iceland's AuroraCoin, are needed and so valuable: they provide a potential solution to the systemic violence, exploitation and unrest caused by Centralized Fiat Money Printing, with the fraud and Economic Oppression endemic to such Centrally-Run Fiat Paper systems that we have seen time and again in countries across the World.  Indeed, it pays to learn from History which repeats itself in places, as well as times... going all the way back to Ancient Rome. All Fiat Currencies, on average, become worthless within 30 years resultant of Over-Printing by Central Regimes, just ask Germany about what happened in the Wiemar Republic. 

This is why I am so happy about the recent developments in Blockchain Technology! It can do so much good for the World! Iceland's experiment with Aurora Coin and Blockchain Technology was not a failure because during the next few years Blockchain Technology will gain mass adoption helping to solve many difficult problems We All have long faced. I picture The Pirate Party very likely succeeding; to then leverage Iceland's very inexpensive and bountiful electric resources, combined with its cold climate, to become a Major Competitor in hosting Large Mining Facilities and Server Centers. This will hasten the creation of Infrastructure on which future BlockChain Companies and Technologies can run! Iceland could become a Blockchain-Hub, supporting this rapidly growing sector. This is good for Iceland, and great for all the rest of Us, across This Great World!

For full disclosure... as a trader I did take a position in Aurora Coin and fully expect some very big things to happen with this coin in the near future valuation-wise. This is not Financial Advice, but merely my opinion on Aurora Coin.

You can do it Iceland!



Very informative will follow you my friend,

Following you right back friend.

Great article. My Son said he had a dream about Iceland coin, plus I remember the history and the excitement at the time when it was first launched 3 years ago. So I have to follow his dream and I think its worth investing in.

agreed. I forgot to mention in the article that $AUR is a multi-algorithm coin, based on the Myriad coin code for that. this makes it very versitile for merge mining and more secure against 51% attack, because the attacker would need to use many kinds of hardware, cpus, gpus, and asics, at the same time.

Just did research today on 12 of these CC's. Where is the best place to get good information? I heard of a woman who bought bitcoin at .75 cents in the beginning. Good luck on your endeavors with CC's.

Thank you for your response

I find cryptocompare really has it all in one place. but also like to look at coin rankings on coingecko relative to coinmarketcap. this is useful because if a coin is highly rated as far as development and community, but very lowly rated on coinmarketcap in overall valuation, this will eventually correct = profit.

Interesting read, thanks. Got me interested regarding Auroracoin :)

thanks for read! I enjoyed writing it, I think if steem really takes off, I'll start publishing articles like this on a full time basis, alongside trading crypto. lots a fun. I just bought a few hundred more steem at .00043. and according to my chart it could pull a 3x to .0012 $BTC on its next big pump... which I expect no later than the end of the month, but my intuition says this weekend. Go $AUR and go $STEEM!

I've since looked at the market cap of steem, and though it is due for another big pump within a few weeks according to my chart, if steem pulled another 4x, as both the last two pumps, that would put it in 9th position on coinmarketcap.com at 800 mil. in total valuation... i think steem will need to chill at this level for a few weeks before yet one last big jump. unlikely to be this weekend. I am still looking to buy at .00043. remember, just my opinion... think before you trade!

Great project.

I would like to see Auroracoin be pegged to a mega-watt of power and made redeemable in it. Iceland has vast sums of green power.

great article, thanks for sharing this very interesting info. Will look into it, for sure :)

hmm, i'm havning a hard time finding a way to buy auroracoin. any suggestions?

Great find! Please continue to post quality altcoins. The cryptospace is starting to really heat up with lots of new people entering and we need to help bring attention to solid technologies that can really change the world for a better place.

I posted about $DOPE last night and today it went to 520 from 220 when i bought. Right now Im am looking at $DMD. Thanks for feedback. Im thinking about an article on either $GRC, humaniq, or cure coin in the near future. there are so many Id halve to write a few per week. working on it. also... $AUR is likely to breakout again this weekend... and I hope it does.

Nice. Well written and informative!

thanks, with how many different coins and projects there are, more articles soon to come. just gotta be carefull because some of these small cap. cryptos are run up so easy... and I dont want to be responsible for causing one to moon. Ill just stick to writing articles about coins or projects I believe in, if it moons, so be it, but the article stands on its own regardless of the cryptos price.

Interesting that there is $2.6 million in AUR, because the population of Iceland is quite low (~350K). If I remember correctly, the coin was mostly pre-mined and then distributed amongst the population equally, as an incentive to use it in trade. Iceland itself, does seem to have the willingness to try it at least.

originally half were meant to be premined and distributed, but 5 mil of that half ended up being burned because icelanders didnt go to get them, also the foundation holds a million aurora to fund development and advertising. so the number of Auora now is 16 million total, of which about half have been created so far, and are in circulation.

so to answer your question it was about 33% premined, and then distributed to the foundation and the population. at this point in time, I bet much of that has entered into normal curculation could be held by anybody.

Interesting post, where would you suggest to buy it?
I was also interested in Auroracoin, also because of the concept (as all Iceland people could claim it) and the Rune symbol.
But wikipedia page is not so up to date, and when I read it a while ago I had impression that Auroracoin died..
Now at least coinmarketcap has right links to Auroracoin site and community, those sites have English version

Auroracoin is still active! There's an icelandic trading platform (isx.is) - but you can't 'buy in' on that platform as long as you're not an Icelandic citizen/or at least have an Icelandic bank account. You could trade from BTC on bittrex. e.g. https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-AUR

Yes, and on Cryptopia it's possible to buy it too
I've bought 2 Auroracoin)