I've sampled the box set I listed on my online auction site today by Carol Beckwith & Angela Fisher, published in 1999. I was blown away by the absolutely amazing pictures and the raw energy of Africa they so accurately captured.
The year has officially begun! With my brand new online storage and photography room in my new shop! I cannot even fully describe the awesomeness of having it together with my retail business. And I am now able to allow selected customers to browse through the physical items they previously only saw online. I must say, the substantial change in a routine I have held for 5 years has made me feel kind of displaced, but it is definitely a change for the better, and I just need to become accustomed to it.
These books, as well as being fascinating, could also be used in a very reasonable gym workout, as they weigh about 4kg each!!! Africa is a continent ruled by cultural values and history and well, rules of conduct for every life event. Sometimes these rules weigh heavily on those forced to abide by them. I have heard the exasperation from my staff! But they are always followed.
what a good find! such rich images and raw power of those people... <3
It makes you realise exactly how much the stuff we surround ourselves with mean.
Very cool!
You're welcome!
Rules, rules and more rules. Traditions!! And yet, as I was talking to some one in a government department this afternoon, the younger generation suffers because of certain traditions. Like marriage and buying cows (or sometimes it is only an exchange of money) for your brides father. The youngsters cannot afford those traditions in the current economic environment in this country. There is a lot of unemployment. The ladies are unhappy as well since they cannot get married because of the high demand that traditions put on them. All the ceremonies, the big families that will come to the wedding (300 people is normal), the presents for the families and in-laws (and don't you dare take a short cut - it is seen as disrespectful). It sometimes takes many years of heavy saving to be able to afford to get married.
This is exactly what I was referring to. Funerals are so expensive too. You have the stress of a death and then a funeral to cater to as well.
Very nice
good pictures of friends hopefully you can enjoy it.