The Law Of Attraction: YOU are the magnet for what YOU have in your life NOW.

in #attraction7 years ago

People can argue that they have don't have control of what comes into their life, but that is completely false. You have control over everything and you attracted those events into your life.

What exactly is "The Law of Attraction"?

The law of attraction is the idea that when you focus on positive or negative thoughts, a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. It is also something you need to believe is true, because it has a lot of influence on your life.

Are you doubting the law of attraction??

I believe this idea is very true. You attract certain things in your life by the type of energy you put out into the universe, positive or negative. So, essentially, when you act a certain way (negative or positively), you're asking for that outcome. Positive experiences in life come from a positive input on life, so if you make positive decisions, you get positive outcomes. Same thing for negative actions, you get negative outcomes. Very simple concept that has proven itself in life over and over again. So why in the world would you doubt this concept that has been proven over and over again in everyone's life.

You asked for everything.

Listen, as much as you may want to argue that "god" gave you a bad hand in life or you are just plain misfortunate, that's not true. Stop blaming other people, things, or situations. You are in charge of everything that happens to you more than you know, and you attracted certain events in your life.

My suggestion for you.

I suggest that if you want to attract better and more positive experiences in your life, I would recommend making being a positive person a regular thing. Make being positive a habit, and you will notice the significant changes in your life. Trust me.
The way I look at being positive is it is like a piggy bank. Let's say being positive is represented by a coin. The more coins you put in the piggy bank, the more it grows. And that goes with when you are being positive as well. The more you are positive, the more the positivity will grow. And when you grow spiritually and become a person with a higher energy or vibration, and will affect this world in ways you won't believe.

Video: Positive attitude- the 3 pillars to cultivating positivity.

Anyways, have an awesome rest of your weekend!



I find that being positive is the best way to live. I agree 100% that the more you think positive the more positive stuff you attract.

as a man thinkest so is he/

Good post and I hope you're right. Lately I've been essentially, transforming my worries about stuff into gratitude for what I have. Which is a similar principle. It has been working so far, but I'm not sure there's not more to it.
Positive thinking is something I tried before. It worked for a while but wasn't reliable in the long run. Maybe I did it wrong:/

I agree but that bottom gif lol

Many thanks for sharing, upvoted!

Agreed. I think they described it well in "What the Bleep". Your perspective in life just describes your nervous system. There's so much more available than what is filtered and left to our awareness. Like how the natives couldn't see Columbus' ships arriving (and just saw disturbances in the water) because a ship did not exist in their neural networking. Therefore when we open up to new possibilities with LOA, they are sure to arrive because they already exist and we are just filtering them out.

For instance, that bottom gif, I just see the Phillie Phanatic doing the macarena:

Creating a vision board helps.

thanks for share bro

The Law Of Attraction, It requires everyone. This concept, I was very pleased.

Excellent bon post merci

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

@baah I don't understand why you flagged me...I did nothing wrong. While there are spammers, scammers, and criminals on here, you choose to flag me. I'm glad to see you spend an hour typing up a bullshit response on a teenager kids post because you are somehow pissed at the fact that I made a post about the law of attraction. If you have a problem, please leave, you don't have to go around doing things like that bro. I put in honest time trying to make a post and I learn and try to grow as much as possible, but you have to make things harder for me. I'm trying to get out of my current life situation, and you are just going against me for no apparent reason. Go flag a spammer or a scammer or someone bad...I did nothing. Do productive things with your time. Have a good day.

I wonder whose magical thinking pre-ordered all this Virginia bullshit?? - I saw this intelligent vid and thought of you @baah!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Sargon of Akkad is probably the most incisive political voice on youtube. I've been trying to convert him to Steemit for months!

You're arguing with a what a loser. Flag people who spam, not people who try to do something with their life.

You're clearly mental and have a problem with picking fights with 14 year olds, so I rest my case. Don't bother to respond because I muted you anyways.. Some adult you are.

Next time you start an arguement, don't take my statements out of context. I am talking about the laws of attraction, and the basic point I was getting at is the way you act brings certain outcomes, (positive or negative attitude leads to positive or negative outcomes) I dont know why the hell you are disagreeing with that, let alone flagging my shit. Gtfo