
You're clearly mental and have a problem with picking fights with 14 year olds, so I rest my case. Don't bother to respond because I muted you anyways.. Some adult you are.

Cool. Now lets just end this little argument and call it a day.

What are you doing with your life? You are typing a books worth of arguments and wont stop..Arent your hands sore? Why are you obsessed with arguing? Are you a pedo obsessed with little kids so you wont stop talking to one? I heard your name before talking about how you were autistic or something from someones posts (i forgot who), so if thats the case, im not suprised at all. What kind of adult changes his username to "baah fuc you"? Real mature. They complain about my generation, clearly the older generations are pretty screwed as well. Now let this argument go. Theres nothing to gain.