Every Candidate for Arizona Attorney General

Attorney General ++Mark Brnovich++ is focused on his race for US Senate. Meanwhile, he will be vacating his term-limited position as ++Arizona's Attorney General++. That leaves a crowded race for his replacement, especially during the August Republican Primary Election. The ++Attorney General++ is an important position in the state. It's the top legal office in Arizona, and they advise state legislature and agencies by acting as the "People's Lawyer." It is an elected position, and there are six Republican and one Democratic candidate running. Let's dive into each candidate's history and competencies to stay informed heading into this important mid-term election.

Kris Mayes

 "Kris Mayes Democrat Candidate for Arizona Attorney General"Kris Mayes Democrat Candidate for Arizona Attorney General++Kris Mayes++

Mayes is the unopposed Democratic nominee for AG. She's a former Arizona Corporation Commissioner, giving her the perfect experience to understand the needs of the state's consumers. As a former Republican, she understands the needs of both sides of the fence, and her stated main goals are to fight consumer fraud, while protecting our natural resources and public education. She also took a ++hardline stance against prosecuting abortions++ in state should Roe v Wade fall. So far, she has raised $574,653 and spent $153,432.**Learn more at **++https://krismayes.com/++

Lacy Cooper

 "Arizona AG candidate Lacy Cooper Republican"Arizona AG candidate Lacy Cooper Republican++Lacy Cooper++

Cooper previously worked as the border security section chief with the U.S. Attorney's office, and she is focused on border security, law enforcement, and protecting the constitution. She is the only GOP candidate who publicly stated ++she would have certified the 2020 election++, making her a sensible choice. Her combination of understanding border issues and not promoting The Big Lie make Cooper a candidate to watch. So far, she has raised $141,444 and spent $101,466.**Learn more at **++https://www.lacycooperforaz.com/++

Rodney Glassman

 "Arizona Attorney General Republican Candidate Rodney Glassman"Arizona Attorney General Republican Candidate Rodney Glassman++Wikipedia++

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Glassman is a former Democrat turned Republican who has real military experience, along with a strong will to protect the border. He's run for a lot of offices in Arizona, and he really hopes 2022 is his year. He's the most well-funded candidate as well. So far, he raised $1,802,514 and spent $320,242.**Learn more at **++https://www.rodneyglassman.com/++

Andrew W Gould

 "Andrew Gould, Arizona Republican Attorney General Candidate"Andrew Gould, Arizona Republican Attorney General Candidate++Andrew Gould++

Gould is a former Arizona Supreme Court Justice who retired from the bench to run for Attorney General. He has a strong legal record serving on the AZ Court of Appeals before being appointed to the Supreme Court in 2016 by Governor Doug Ducey. This association makes him the strongest contender from an experience standpoint, and the governor's blessing is sure to help. So far, he raised $1,081,530 and spent $548,845.**Learn more at **++https://gouldforag.com/++

Abraham Hamadeh

 "Radical Extremist Abraham Hamadeh Arizona Attorney General Candidate"Radical Extremist Abraham Hamadeh Arizona Attorney General Candidate++Abe Hamadeh++

Hamadeh is by far the dark horse candidate who is embroiled in scandal and controversy. According to ++the Antidefamation League++, he is a known radical extremist who regularly ++tweets pro-insurrection leanings++. The Copper Courier reports he believes in a ++separate black national anthem++, while the Payson Roundup explains his ++penchant for conspiracy theories++. His portfolio includes a stint at the Maricopa County prosecutor's office, but so does ++every law student at ASU++. And he's only in the Army Reserves, so he never saw combat or likely even left the state. This makes him less qualified than any other candidate, yet so far he raised $1,267,153 mostly from family and spent $186,831 mostly from public donations, ++according to Ballotpedia++. **Learn more at **++https://www.abeforag.com/++

Dawn Grove

 "Dawn Grove Arizona Republican Attorney General Candidate"Dawn Grove Arizona Republican Attorney General Candidate++Dawn Grove++

Grove is the corporate counsel for the Karsten Manufacturing. They create PING golf clubs, which is her family business. It's great to see someone with real legal business experience running. She is an advocate of border security and defending the personal liberties of all Arizonans. She is also against Big Tech silencing conservative voices, canceling out Hamadeh's cancel culture. She would not have certified the 2020 election results, and she is very strict against immigration. So far, Grove raised $1,235,463 and spent $168,942**Learn more at **++https://dawngroveforarizona.com/++

Tiffany Shedd

 "Tiffany Shedd Arizona Conservative Candidate for Attorney General"Tiffany Shedd Arizona Conservative Candidate for Attorney General++Tiffany Shedd++

Shedd is an attorney and small business owner who understands the needs of other small businesses in Arizona. Unlike Hamadeh, she is laser-focused on Arizonans instead of what's happening on the other side of the country in DC. In fact, she pledges to protect us from east-coast ideals seeping into our community. So far, she has raised $416,841 and spent $289,529.Learn more at ++https://sheddforaz.com/++We will continue updating this page as more information becomes available through the November 2022 election.