in #attitude6 years ago (edited)


Hello steemians! Being a product of our mindset , i hope these snippets influence and add to your mindset in order to make you a better person today:

"...In the early 1900's, two brothers were faced with two paths. One path was common, the other path was uncommon. One was more traveled, the other less traveled. One was well-lit, the other dim. Famous scientists said it was improbable. Experts in the field said it was impractical. Lord Kelvin who was then the president of the prestigious Royal Society of London said it was impossible. This was the well-lit path. Few years later two brothers, Wilbur and Orville
Wright chose not to follow the well-lit path. They were positive and believed in the possibility of their dreams. Instead of reinventing the wheel, they chose to give wings to their dreams. They believed they could fly a plane. The Wright brothers were right! Wilbur and Orville invented and flew the first flying airplane on December 17, 1903. Though the odds were seemingly insurmountable, these creative dreamers were unstoppable. They would rather stand out than
blend in. Instead of following well-lit paths, these innovative brothers grabbed a machete and hacked their own path. Anytime i see those beautiful metallic birds in the sky i remember those 'stubborn inventors' who knew too well about the dynamics of change and invented the aerodynamics of an airplane. They knew how to break free from the gravitational pull of maintaining the status quo. They knew how not to follow well-lit paths. The lesson here is simple and striking. Grab a machete too and clear your path. Don't be a face in the crowd. You are unique!..."

"...People will say you are arrogant, they will call you a 'rebel', they will say you are out of your mind for thinking you have a better way, a better idea and a better art. You can either spend a lifetime responding and convincing your critics or you can continue to do work that matters and prove them wrong as did the Wright brothers. Remember, you cant do both. We all know well-lit paths. When we were young, we were told how to live our lives. Get good grades. Get a good university admission. Get a good job. Get a beautiful wife and have kids. Tell your children the same thing. And the cycle continues. This is what we know as the good life. The good life is not bad. In fact, it is good but it is not great. Did you notice that the word 'get' starts all the sentences that describes the good life. And that's the problem. The good life is selfish. It is self-centered. It is one that says, 'It is all about me.' The important question is 'what about us?' We must not only get, we must also give. The very act of giving gives our life a meaning in a selfish world where almost everyone
focuses on getting. The few that focus on sharing their dreams, talents, skills and creativity to the world are definitely not following well-lit paths. Simply put, to not follow well-lit paths is to defy the status quo. They are the very few who will leave their footprints on the sands of time. They are the ones who are immune to being washed away by the tide of history. People may tag them as crazy ones, misfits, or rebels. But we all know that they are rare and we need them. The world cant function without them..."

"...Can you imagine what our world will look like without people who chose not to follow well-lit paths? We would still be lighting fire with two rough stones, living in mud houses with thatched roofs and traveling on horses. It would be a world without Facebook, Google and Yahoo. A world without cars, jets and electric trains. Not following well-lit paths require more effort. But it offers more reward. Jean-Henri Fabre, the French Naturalist conducted one of his famous experiments on Processionary Caterpillars. They blindly follow the caterpillar in front of them hence their unique name. The findings of this experiment are fascinating. Fabre arranged the Caterpillars in a continuous loop around the rim of a flower pot so that the lead caterpillar was touching the last one. in the center of the flower pot was pine needles, which was one of their most loved food. The Caterpillars marched around the circular pot. They were instinctively following the trail of the Caterpillar in front thinking it was heading for food. Hour after hour, day after day, night after night the Caterpillar marched aimlessly in a circle. Finally, they started to drop dead because of exhaustion and starvation after a week of this mindless activity even though there was an abundance of food at the center of the pot which was just less than six inches away. All that the caterpillars needed to do was veer off the well beaten path and head towards the food. This mistake cost them their lives. The central lesson from the French naturalist's experiment is striking: Don't follow well-lit paths. Don't mistake activity for accomplishment. Don't be numbered among those who blindly follow the status quo, customs, past experiences or traditions. Question them!..."