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RE: Just a little something to trade with and do some mining matches...

in #atm8 years ago

I'd rather keep my privacy intact as much as possible. Why wait and lose the time which is the most precious of currencies. Compounded interest even just over those few days is still something over nothing. I could double the crypto when I'm on my "A" game.... And if I was going to go that route I'd use a master / slave account set up I have to get a kick back for myself... jus saying. ALso ATMs print paper wallets which can make it easier to move money off chain and the physical realm considering the confirmation times currently being experienced.


you got paid by check, must pay tax, no way around that

Don't have an issue with paying taxes when i couldn't care less about fiat and it is one of many avenues for me to grow and diversify my crypto holdings / investments.