Where do we go when we are all by ourselves..?
Where do we come from,
And where do we return to, after this mother earth?
The atheist says God does not exist and the theist believes on the contrary.
Where does man comes from and where does he return after mother earth.??
Pls I need to know cos this broken piece of man is helpless.
Pls i need to know...
raising the questions that matter! :) I've found a lot of answers in India, spending time on an ashram with an enlightened Guru. those answers are typically not the ones telling you what will happen after death, but they are the tools that bring meaning and joy and fulfilment and purpose to life as we are living it. just started out on Steemit, but check our videos in YouTube also where we share the tools that worked best for us :). many blessings on your journey!!