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RE: Atheism?

in #atheism7 years ago (edited)

Carl Sagan among others will disagree with you about the astronomical odds, he clearly talked about it.. it is also common knowledge that our solar system needs to be astronomically virtual impossible odds fine tuned for life to be able to exist on Earth.. no myths here sorry disagree.. you believe everything could have somehow created itself out of nothing, a scientific impossibility, and than somehow by pure chance organize things to create the utter complexity that is the human body.. that's beyond fairy tale stuff IMO, simply not understanding how a sentient Being who is beyond space time and matter does not nullify his possible existence, in fact Quantum brings that possibility more into view.. I think the evidence against pure chance is plenty of evidence for the only other possible explanation.


I LOVE Carl Sagan and I agree with him (and with most scientist): in a FINITE timespan, it would be quite impossible to have all the laws of physics work as we see now in our universe. The fact is that when time doesn't exists (so, BEFORE an universe is born) the odds are infinite and in fact you will agree with me that an universe exists, so it could not be IMPOSSIBLE to it for exist. I don't believe that anything could be created from nothing, I simply stop before that assumption, saying that I don't know what was there before our universe, while you assume, and tell me if I'm wrong, that an intelligent being (which is something more complex that an universe) suddenly came out from nothing and created an universe. The complexity of a humen body (actually, even the complexity of a virus) emerged by evolution and natural selection (and that's an observed fact, not an opinion), so no need for a god there. I've never said that that sentieng being you talk about doesn't exists, I'm just saying that there are NO evidences about it's existence, and that's why atheists don't believe in any of the gods invented by humans, just for a lack of evidences. I don't understand what you say about "Quantum". Maybe you're referring to quantum physics? If so, that's very interesting, because quantum physics, for what science understand so far, could be used to explain how universes are born from a so called "quantum foam" (you may learn more about this hypotesis on books like "A Universe From Nothing", by Lawrence M. Krauss). But tell me more about how what the Quantum you're talking about brings into the possibility the existence of one or many gods, I'm sincerely interested. What are the "evidence against pure chance" you talk about? And what are the "evidence in favor of a sentient being born out of nothing and creator of our universe", because I really can't find one (but I may be blind, feel free to help me finding that evidence!). Have a great day and sorry for replying you so late, It was a very busy week :)