Why I am an Atheist & Why no one should EVER feel trapped in a belief system!

in #atheism8 years ago (edited)

Image Source: The Gospel Coalition

First off let me start by saying: Even though I am an Agnostic-Atheist Theist (as I have recently been told) I admire someone with the Strength, Conviction and Fortitude to Have Faith and Beliefs and this is in no way directed at the Devout Steemians.

This is about my journey to Atheism and is for those who "Do not believe" but are subjected into religious servitude by Socio-Societal pressures from family, friends or their community.

Why I am an Atheist:

My journey began when I was 12 years old. For a couple years I had been living with my Grandparents. My grandfather was a Southern Baptist preacher at a small church in Fairburn, GA. I had been forced to attend his services and had adopted the role of Preachers Son/grandson. I even took it so far as to begin preaching myself and was really good at writing sermons, researching ancient texts and so forth.

I actually dreamed of being a minister/preacher when I grew up. My grandparents, like the rest of my family, where all racist. I never could grasp the concept of racism (all though I later adopted the "I can't be racist I hate everyone!" mentality). So for months I threw scripture at my grand dad trying to get him to preach tolerance and love for everyone hoping it would change his perspective. 

Finally the day came my grandfather stood at the pulpit on Sunday morning prepared to deliver my sermon. "Why we should love everyone, friend or neighbor or enemy!". Now my grandfathers church was made of of a plethora of different heritages, all though most of them were at least 3rd generation Americans. We did have a Spanish family and a Greek family in the church.

About 2 minutes into the sermon a black family (husband, wife and 2 kids) walked in the chapel and sat in the middle of the church. The second my grandfather saw them he stopped preaching and just stared at them until they got up and left. Once he resumed preaching they very quietly snuck back in and set in the empty back row. I could see it my grandfathers eyes but no one else noticed so he kept preaching.

When the sermon was over I did what I always did after service and greeted everyone and thanked them for coming. When I got to the black family, before I could even shake hands with them, my grandfather snatched me by the arm and waved me like a flag in a tornado behind him has he raced to his study. Once inside he locked the door and began cussing, screaming and beating the unholy hell out of me. 

After what seemed like an hour (but probably on a couple minutes) several of the Deacons kicked the door down and stopped him from continuing. Once he calmed down they let me leave with him. That was the only time I ever saw him mad, cuss or raise a hand at anyone.....ever.....but half the congregation followed one of the deacons to a new church he started that very week.

Needless to say the experience burned me on religion and I never preached again after that day. Shortly after that I was back living with my mom (read my life story posts here on Steemit to see how that shit went) and never really saw much of my grandfather after that.

At 15 I was emancipated and legally an adult. While living on the streets I would frequently visit Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, etc. seeking help; usually after my clothes/id would get stolen. They would always always always want to either preach to me or make me sit through a service. I gladly obliged as to me it was interesting learning about different religions and beliefs. They almost never actually helped me afterwards but frequently would want me to debate with them on their message, religion or sermon.

By 18 I had sworn off all religions, but before doing so I had studied many of them and came to some astounding conclusions:

  • Irregardless of whether the religions were divinely inspired, they were all written by man, rewritten by man, translated by man, re-translated by man and often blatantly manipulated to suit man's needs/desires/wants (think of the Catholic Crusades).
  • Assuming the "intent" or "message" is still there, there are still too many holes/inconsistencies for my personal comfort. Perfect example: Ezekiel Chapter 1 of the King James or NIV of the Bible - Most scholars, even devout religious scholars will admit that it sounds an awful lot like Ezekiel is describing an encounter with a UFO and Aliens - one of whom claims to be God.
  • Almost all Gnostic religions are based around the same original texts (the Dead Sea Scrolls) most of which reside buried beneath the Vatican in the most secure vault on Earth and have never been touched or read by humans (outside the Vatican clergy) since they were discovered. Not only that but the Gnostic religions only contain a small portion of the writings from the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are dozens (if not hundreds) of books missing from religious texts like the Bible. Why are they missing? Simple, they don't teach what the religions leaders want taught!

Now here is the tricky part of calling myself an Atheist, as I am truly a unique individual and do not conform to any definition of Atheist I have ever read. You see I abandoned all religion, but I believe in God. It isn't just that I believe in God, I have seen him, met him, shook his hand and had conversations with him. I wasn't dreaming, I wasn't on drugs and I am not psychotic (maybe a little crazy though).

From a very young age I have been able to communicate with the dearly departed. Ghosts/Spirits as they are commonly referred to. I have even encountered a few Ghouls (demons) in my days. Up until I was an adult these occurrences scared the living hell out of me so I did my damnedest to suppress the ability and not encounter anything uncomfortable.

However, as an adult having studied numerous religions and beliefs I came to realize that what I was encountering (most of the time) were friendly lost soles whom for whatever reason failed to cross-over to Heaven or Hell. With that knowledge in mind I quit actively blocking the ability and began to embrace it when it happened.

As a result of this new found enlightenment I was often greeted by lost soles who needed help delivering messages, checking on their loved ones or just figuring out why they were trapped. To be perfectly honest this lead to some amazing and some horrifying experiences. You see I have walked with lost soles to the other side on more than a few occasions. I have personally met both God and Satan more than once.

Strangely enough my first time was meeting Satan and it was really really difficult to tell I had just taken a lost soul across to Hell. Satan wasn't a horned glowing red demon looking creature as Hollywood depicts. He was more like the CEO in a Suit and Tie character from that movie a while back (can't remember the name). It took almost my entire first visit to hell to figure out I was actually in hell; at which time I got out while I could get out....unsure if I would be able to leave once Satan figured out I knew.

Then I helped someone cross into Heaven and the bright light filled tunnel appeared as so many have described it. I knew beyond any doubt at that point which was which between Heaven and Hell. I anxiously traversed the passage hoping God would be standing on the other side; sure enough he was there to greet us. With an inquisitive look he asked why I was there, an un-dead! He seemed to be genuinely surprised by my presence, or rather that I cold actually traverse between the Living and the Dead.

So, as you can see, I am not your typical person and surely am not your typical Atheist. I know beyond any doubt that Heaven/God exist and that Hell/Satan exist and yet I still will stand here, after talking to God in person at the Gates of Heaven that RELIGION IS BULLSHIT, ALL OF THEM!

I can also tell you something that no other person on Earth (most likely) has ever or will ever be able to Honestly tell you: You decide whether you go to Heaven or Hell and it doesn't really matter how you live, it is what lies in your heart at the moment you die that matters. Now that isn't me telling you to do anything you want while you are alive and decide at the last minute - far from it. The truth is that the way you live molds and shapes what is in your heart and the longer you live a certain way the less likely it becomes you can change, even when faced with certain death.

Now I hope you understand why I made the VERY LARGE opening statements above. I truly do admire people with the Strength/Conviction/Fortitude to have Faith and stick to their beliefs. Why? Well because they are making a concerted effort each and every day to live a morally strict lifestyle that virtually ensures that at their time of passing their hearts will be filled with happiness and joy; meaning they will walk through the gates of heaven into the open arms of God.

Why no one should ever feel trapped in a belief system!:

It should be blatantly obvious by now, if you are still reading, why I believe no one should ever feel trapped in a belief system. I am not telling people not to believe, nor am I trying to tell anyone what to believe. 

I only want people to realize they have the power and control to decide FOR THEMSELVES what they believe or don't believe. I was lucky and I never got sucked into a cult and I was able to free myself and my mind from the Religious Servitude that was forced upon me as a child. SO CAN YOU!

Maybe you were raised Catholic and everyone you know is still Catholic but you don't agree with Catholicism....then you shouldn't follow the Catholic doctrine. Seek out your own Beliefs and follow them.

You owe it to yourself to be who you are, to believe what you want and to live in the moral manner in which fits you. Never blindly (or with open eyes) walk a path in life that isn't right for you!


Nice to meet you brother!

My passions have been to debunk and demythologize a lot of what my faith of Christianity has been pushing for the last 2000 years. If you're interested in being SteemIt friends, consider Following.

I'll definitely be Following and upVoting you and this post.

Upvoted you @venuspcs :)
Just to clarify you are a 1. and not a 2.?
(1.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheism
Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.

(2.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnosticism
Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether God, the divine, or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable.

So I am an Agnostic Atheist in the strictest sense.....but no one would have known what the hell that meant!

Thanks for clarifying, I only post this because true atheism is a belief system of its own. It appears many that carry the atheist banner are in the middle ground of uncertainty and would be more properly classified as agnostic.

Actually the term agnostic is very well known, but to be clear, you are neither of these, as you are not an atheist. Atheism is not believing in any god, instead of rejecting known religions but still believing in God, such as yourself. Atheism is a belief system like any other. Agnosticism, like the definition above, is often used when people feel they don't know enough to tell, or they don't care.

TL;DR - You aren't atheist, as that would mean you don't believe in any gods. Lacking a better term, you're simply a theist. Here's a useful image about these things:

Thanks @azas, for elaborating my point. I think it is safe to say we agree both on terms and stance in this regard. I love the picture you posted. I used to find it confusing why people would be certain of something they don't have evidence for theists or atheists. Then I found out most of them are misusing the term.

"You owe it to yourself to be who you are, to believe what you want and to live in the moral manner in which fits you. Never blindly (or with open eyes) walk a path in life that isn't right for you!"
Very well said. I wish some people who consider themselves religious would follow this. Would cut down on a lot of unnecessary hate.

I'm not religious either but I don't think your father beat you because of religion, I think he was just an asshole who happened to be deeply religious. I'm happy you got out of that environment.

Grandfather and I never stated or even implied he did it because of religion, I clearly said he was a fucking racist!

I wouldn't say atheist or agnostic but more enlightened than anything... If you have this ability you mentioned... You understand it a little better then the average soul.
-Yogi Berras Soul

from my understanding, despite the provided definitions.. agnostic simply means believing only in logic or fact.. in other words...PROVE IT.

Or maybe... if you can SEE IT, FEEL IT, TOUCH IT, SMELL IT OR HEAR IT

then IT EXIST.

Tx for sharing your story. Yes, I am a Christian and no I don't like churches at all. To me they are human institutions which have one purpose is to sell their take on the Bible (theology) and get as many members as possible.

I really enjoyed this, Amazing writer.

I don't think any human can tell another person about religion, the closest they can come is by giving the best translations for each word in the religious texts, also we have to take things with a grain of salt. I have similar views on how you choose your afterlife and there is no way some poor kid is going to hell for being born on the wrong side of the equator.

It annoys me that there's even a word for not believing in God. If we were to define ourselves by things we don't believe in, we'd have about a 1000 labels each.

I don't believe in fairies, Santa, goblins, ghosts and a whole lot of other stuff there's no evidence for, though we don't have a word for all of those things.

Lolz, rant over...


Technically there is no evidence of God either, with the exception of the few people who have had experiences like mine.

Good luck to you... You are about to receive a lot of hate... My guess at least! My suggestion, take it all in stride! I myself was a very religious person, then became spiritual/agnostic and then entirely athiest. Have definitely pissed off people along the way... But it's the risk you take for being a free thinker!

Kind of expecting it, but they better read the dang article before coming at me!

I don't understand expressing hate for another's thoughts or beliefs, I never have. While I'm Christian, I don't attend church for private reasons.

As long as someone isn't trying to coerce or force their beliefs on someone I say live and let live. After all what is expressing hate on behalf of a group of people for having a different view but a form of coercion?

Sometimes in this life the best we can do is be at peace within ourselves and with ourselves. Take care and good wishes.

I hope you didn't think I was trying to COERCE anyone into believing anything, if you really read my post you will see that is the farthest thing from what I am trying to do!

No, not at all. You're just expressing yourself.

I am honestly surprised... Not much hate here! Awesome!

WOW @venuscpcs - this is very deep and very open. Thank you for sharing this. While I say I have faith, I have a hard time saying it's God. I do believe that there is a higher power greater than me. But I speak to the universe, Mother Nature, Father Time, the elements...and I do speak to "the big guy". In my life, every sincere prayer has come to pass...though there have been times when it was really answered but I wasn't as specific as I should have been. LOL
I've never felt conformed to a church or a single belief because I'm not on board with any one in particular. To me, religious denominations are interpretations of someone, somewhere in time. And you know as well as I do that interpretations are subjective. Anyway, I try to live a decent life. I don't break any laws. I work hard and my underlying faith is COMMON SENSE. But this comment is getting long and I'm going to go. :) Have a great weekend.

I used to be a militant atheist.. until i had a great spiritual experience and totally understood what the main religions around the world are all about. I used to suck debating, the other side just wouldn't listen when I'm so hard. Now that I've reconciled my understand of the other side, debates are actually becoming better (although the other side wouldn't change their stance.. their version of truth will always be that way.. until an event changes them..)

It's hard to debate brainwashed people. It's like debating a wall.

Also all religions are fucking it up for the rest.

Enjoyed your post and upvoted. Not asking for reciprocation but like to share my post on loosely related material

When will people realize that believing in god doesn't have anything to do with being part of one of the gazillion cults in the world (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Atheism)...

It's really simple:

  1. Do not believe anyone else
  2. THINK and if you still don't understand it, then think some more instead of watching the goddamn news or drinking beer all day

god, tell me about it...


I don't believe that Morality is dependent upon a belief in God (or any other diety). Morality is a social construct that is enforced through religion.


Have you ever read the writings of William Blake?He constantly talked to the departed, & had visions repeatedly. Some of them are even some like yours…

I used to be a pastor, but I could not rip people off for a living.


I am not sure if I should upvote you or punch you.....sounds an aweful lot like you calling me a liar and a crook.....Oh and I never got paid a penny for any of those encounters....in fact I try to avoid them at all costs....that is the difference between me and people like William Blake.....

We are speaking different languages evidently…
I believe your experiences 100%
I am not a pastor because I don't want to rip people off… That's what pastors do manipulate people through the tithe
William Blake was a poet that lived many centuries ago and died penniless.
I hope I'm more confusing for using this time… LOL

@venuspcs - do you recall that day I wrote about religion and you said "RELIGION" I read most of your stuff, but I can't look at this.

Next time give me the benefit of the doubt and read the damn piece. :)

I am an atheist as well. The person I was responding to was asking if Science could be used to prove the existence of Jesus Christ. I worked my way up to it.

In the end I said NO it can't. It never can make it past the hypothesis stage in the scientific method.

So, had YOU read what I wrote you likely would not have found it too different from your own thoughts.

You do tend to approach things head on like a bull in a china shop some times, and I am not faulting you for that. I was answering from a different approach because I actually wanted them to READ it and think about it. If I tell them "No you are an idiot" (maybe more words, or maybe more colorful) then they won't read it, or if they do they'll already have a mental block in place and won't listen to anything I say.

I like people to change my mind, and I like to change people's mind.

The posts you did not read, that was their purpose. :)

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment