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RE: Some Benefits of Being An Atheist

in #atheism9 years ago

The bible does not contain any evidence superior to, lets say, the Vedas, which in parts are almost 2000 years older than the bible. I could have picked any other religious text and the situation would be the same. I have acutally been to the "holy land" and seen all the sites you claim as proof. Not a single one of them actually prooves anything.


Comparing the Bible to the Vedas is a joke... "The Vedas present a multitude of gods, most of them related to natural forces such as storms, fire, and wind. As part of its mythology, Vedic texts contain multiple creation stories, most of them inconsistent with each other. Sometimes the Vedas refer to a particular god as the greatest god of all, and later another god will be regarded as the greatest god of all."

And that is just one snipit...

"The Bible is unlike any other religious book. Despite forty authors writing from three continents over nearly two thousand years, it maintains a perfect consistency of message. Its words point unerringly to Christ, whose work on the cross was ordained by God—the true author of the Bible—before the world began.

Among all the books ever written, the Bible is absolutely unique. Actually, it is not just a book—it’s 66 books. And one of its most remarkable qualities is the complete unity of the overall message despite having so many different authors writing over many centuries on hundreds of controversial subjects. Natural explanations fail to account for the supernatural character and origin of Scripture.

The Bible was written over a period of roughly 2,000 years by 40 different authors from three continents, who wrote in three different languages. These facts alone make the Bible one of a kind, but there are many more amazing details that defy natural explanation."

If you really want to compare the Bible to other religious books then you really need to study the Bible a lot more than you currently have... it truly is unlike any of the others

@jrcornel, have you actually ever read the bible? Probably not, otherwise you should know about the massive, direct contradictions within it. Here are just a few examples:

BTW, which version of the bible are you talking about? Do you recognize there is even dissent among christians about what actually is the "word of god"? That catholics, anglicans etc. have different bibles? That our family bible from the 1500´s differs vastly from anything you can buy in the book shop today? Not to mention the formerly completely unknown and totally contradicting gospels archeologists found in egyptian graves...

Let me guess, you are from the US and the only education you ever got, was from other bible thumpers. You were probably made to believe the garbled nonsense of so called "scientists" who happily make up "evidence" and ignore hundreds of years of research, just to justify their childish ideas of creation. Sad. Very very sad. You have been thoroughly brainwashed.