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RE: If not by state, then by church.

in #atheism8 years ago (edited)

what sounds dogmatic? saying that electricity holds the cosmos together and organizes Thought because electricity wanders our synapses? All proven scientifically today? And that light has specific properties, such as duality, being a particle and wave? Male and female are dual, everything has its opposite. Or polarity which is recurrent in political thinking (divide and conquer for example)... or the law of cause and effect, without light no life, our present actions determine the future? Ever heard: what goes around comes around which is in fact, the Principle of Rhythm such as ocean tides, life cycles follow a pendulum.... And it has been also proven that every particle has a vibration, the principle of vibration is the 2nd most important and represents too the ability to voice/speak. Sound therapy is today getting lots of attention. Yes, there are 2 other ones, the law of gender important for mating and the understanding of the left brain (male) and right brain (female)... the Law of Correspondence or holographic principle: the micro and macro are alike.... and finally the Principle of Mentalism, that thinking is the beginning of everything, we create our own reality, matter is the result of A Mind, the Cosmic Mind... We cannot bend, bypass nor ignore them, they rule over society and the human mind.

Nothing dogmatic here but observation of Nature and its immutable laws. Where do you think the word enLIGHTenment comes from? Seeing the Light?

You say so because you are unaware that the topic is 4000 years old... yes, humans have been hidden the truth for that long. Natural Laws prove that the Universe is 1) conscious and 2) that we must evolve in sync with it.

since ever politics and dogmas have exploited the Principles of Mentalism, Polarity, Correspondence and Rhythm to control and manipulate the masses


None of that makes sense, and many facts there are simply wrong.

I think you are in a new age cult, and have been lied to or brainwashed.

Please don't disagree mindlessly. You are talking about new age spiritual things, and it reads like "two truths and a lie."

Some of it might match what is true, but then you keep going off into what I can only call utter madness and cult speak.

You need to do some research, because this is incredibly difficult to understand in the first place. You are a mortal, evolved human, and your comprehension of the universe is severely lacking, just as all people's are, however, you are saying things as if you knew more than you do.

I will not be able to discuss things with you until you do more research, and understand that you are in a cult, and you have been taught wrong facts, or if they are right, you are failing to explain them in a logical manner.

I will be objective here, and tell you that all together, everything you said up there, if taken all at the same time: It is wrong.

You are simply incorrect, and your view of the universe is wrong. There are too many things you said that are illogical or dogmatic up there for me to even begin.

You are in a cult, and this is obvious to me, because I am not in that cult, therefor, I see it for what it is.

Since when Physics is new age? ... the properties of light/electricity are what they are, man didn't invent them and they hold the universe together, they are immutable. Even Plato endorsed them. Do some research. Turn on your TV and start observing all the "divide and rule" in the world before saying that I am in a cult. The Universe is alive and is governed by laws. We do not invent anything but discover... I can see why atheists have a problem with the notion of a conscious universe, and just like the theists hate the idea that physics mathematically proves spirituality

It is amusing somehow to witness the reaction of people when proposing the merging of science and spirituality: you are new age. Atheists and theists agree. Talk of a divide and conquer (Law of Polarity) assured, no cult on my end but the quest for enlightenment. Have a great day and I look forward to your basic income article.

This is what you are talking about, and this is a religious cult.
I am extremely serious about this topic, and do a lot of research.

There are many things in this world that seem true, but are not true, and these things do not seem true to me. They could contain wisdom or some truth, but I think that it is taking things too far, and turning into a cult.

These ideas have a fascinating history, and they are not all bad, but I do not think we can consider them truth.

Let me ask you this: Will they hold up to the scientific method?

try to disprove that everything doesn't spin and vibrate... from the cell to the galaxies, micro and macro are same... the law of vibration is correct... try to disprove that electricity (erlectro-magnetism) does hold the Universe together and that electricity does connect our synapses... try to disprove that life doesnt evolve in cycles, in seasons or like ocean tides, I am waiting. yet people say history repeat itself.

Atheism stance is childlike: life just came out of nothing ;) Natural ancient sciences are proven by modern physics, so yes the ancients civilizations had a better grasp about the Universe, Natural Laws.

You will have to get used to it because this very knowledge with a capital K is making a come back in a huge way.

Electricity govern your thinking... you are a miniature version of the cosmos ;)


A person in a cult does not know they are in a cult. They think that the things they have been taught are true.

But to a person outside a cult, it is very obvious.

If you are unable to use the resources I sent you to realize that you are believing in things that are partially true but partially false, then you will go about your life believing whatever you wish to believe.