It’s time to find out who made the best investments in Round Three.

Return your investments to Bitcoin using the '24 hour high' for your chosen coins as indicated in the screenshots below, taken from Bittrex at 9pm UTC.

Once you have done so, leave a comment with your new Bitcoin balance. You have until this post is 12 hours old to report your profit/loss.
(note = this balance will not be carried over into round four)
(Did anyone notice STEEM DOLLARS on the main page?? - Nice!! :))
I will be making a post tomorrow to announce the winners and allocate points.
If you missed the first three rounds, don’t worry...... round four begins tomorrow night and there’s still plenty of points and prizes up for grabs as well as the opportunity to win the Grand Prize and be crowned Steemit’s first,
Altcoin Trading Champion.
If you would like more information about The Altcoin Trading Championship, then please click here

atc logo, page divider and banner by @son-of-satire!
My 114.6 Litecoin ended with a slight loss. Final =
24hr high - 0.00871172* 114.6 = 0.99836311
Did better this round :)
Lost a little bit on NEO but made some gains on DASH
9.3042297028229032918364688587432 DASH = BTC 0.6647872122666964402017156999572
109.26048135797667070202044482127 NEO = BTC 0.49489535031095532994480160481794
Total BTC = 1.1596825625776517701465173047751
0.90BTC ;( i loss too...
Why I dont take SKIN?!? Manno
0,25 BTC on VTC = 495,15736100 VTC = 0,26243340btc
0,1 BTC on LTC = 11,46231649 LTC = 0,09985649btc
0,3 BTC on NEO = 65,55628881 NEO = 0,29693721btc
0,1 BTC on ETH = 2,318437373 ETH = 0,10502477btc
0,25 BTC on XRP = 8784,258609 XPR 0= 0,26062895btc
Nice little profit there by the looks of it @booster916. Well done mate. :)
0.73275993 BTC. Decent loss..
Just as well it wasn't real BTC @kiokizz. :) I'm sure you'll make it back in round four, my firend. :)
1.115 BTC
1 BTC / 0.0045 (24H) = 222.222 Neo
Total Btc= 1
no gains :D
No gains but no losses either by the look of it mate. :) Might still be good enough for a top three finish from the results posted so far.
Good luck mate. :)
:D thanks @tonyr I actually gaining some knowledge and experience here... it is very risky to throw all in 1 basket , nobody to blame but me :P
1 BTC /0.00000446 = 224215.2466367713 XLM
224215.2466367713 XLM * .0000049 = 1.098654708520179 BTC.
1.098654708520179 - 1 = .098654708520179 BTC
Looks like a nice little profit @sevinwilson. Nice job mate. :)
My investments
0.5 BTC, Okcash(OK) 0.58219178
0.5 BTC. Ripple (XRP) 0.52125790 BTC
1.10344968 BTC
0.924657 BTC is my new balance after selling 20.467789 ethereum .
New Balance:
BCH: 0.146103221
DASH: 0.166196803
LTC: 0.124820614
NEO: 0.123723837
GRS: 0.139397142
VTC: 0.1312167
OMG: 0.127230449
Total: 1.104236711
I had 0.33BTC in PowerLedger for 6972.32199POWR, 0.33 BTC for Litecoin for 37.8256444 LTC and 0.34BTC for Ripple for 11946.5917 XRP.
Converting back to BTC,
6972.32199POWR = 6972.32199 x 0.00011465 BTC = 0.79937671 BTC
37.8256444 LTC=37.8256444 x 0.00871172 = 0.32952655 BTC
11946.5917 XRP = 11946.5917 X 0.00002967 = 0.35445537 BTC
TOTAL=1.48335863 BTC.
GAIN=0.48335863 BTC :D
wow fantastic gains! good luck
Thanks! Good luck to you too!