It’s time to find out who made the best investments in Round Four.
Return your investments to Bitcoin using the '24 hour high' for your chosen coins as indicated in the screenshots below, taken from Bittrex at 9pm UTC.
Once you have done so, leave a comment with your new Bitcoin balance. You have until this post is 12 hours old to report your profit/loss.
(note = this balance will not be carried over into round five)
I will be making a post tomorrow to announce the winners and allocate points.
If you missed the first four rounds, don’t worry...... round five begins in a few moments and there’s still plenty of points and prizes up for grabs as well as the opportunity to win the Grand Prize and be crowned Steemit’s first,
Altcoin Trading Champion.
If you would like more information about The Altcoin Trading Championship, then please click here
atc logo, page divider and banner by @son-of-satire!
I ended with a loss. I had BCC @ 0.19219900 to start...looks like 24hr high is .18900000 * 5.2029 BCC = 0.9833481
My investments
Zcash 25.82671308
Total: 1 Bitcoin
Return of my investment
BTC: 1.04035423
End Balance: 1.052 BTC
Lost a little on BCC and gained a little on DASH, at least I am still in the green, tough to use BTC as a base currency for trading when it keeps slowly creeping up to the moon ;)
2.6014703510424091696626933542838 BCC = BTC 0.49167789634701533306624904395964
7.0643450214805539068159202644552 DASH = BTC 0.52982587661104154301119401983414
Total BTC = 1.0215037729580568760774430637938
For this round my total BTC is 1.298 and I gained: +0.298 BTC
New Balance:
BCC: 0.196671158
BCG: 0.247907802
DASH: 0.21193035
ZEC: 0.208070632
CLUB: 0.210785569
Total: 1.075365511
0.95714076 BTC
Price of BTC is unpredictable.
I have invested in 8 different coins I had to take out a paper for it
Total Btc= 1.11963
profit= 0.11963
first investement (link:
I had 63829.78723 LUMENS which gives 0.36702128BTC
1.769bitcoin cash which gives 0.334341BTC
and 9.29865592bitcoin gold which gives 0.43544187BTC
So total is 1.13680415BTC
here is the link to my post:
Of course BCH would pump afterwards. Had 1 BTC, bought 5.2029407 BCH. At .18900000 high I now have .98335579 BTC